Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Toby Sells’ post, “Bill Would Remove Hoover’s Name From FBI Building” …

Politicians should be focused on rewriting the future, not rewriting history.

JR Moody

Hey, who let Congressman Trey Gowdy in here?


The name of the building should be changed. This man was a pure racist and shouldn’t be honored in this manner. If it’s history, put it in a book, not on display so an ever-changing world sees hate honored. Kudos to Representative Cohen and all who voted to end this madness.

Time Up

It is a mistake to vilify prominent gay Americans from the time before gay rights became acceptable to the mainstream. J. Edgar Hoover may not have been the most moral character in American history, but we can look back on him as a successful and powerful man who was gay and who demonstrated the falsehood of some things generally believed about gay people in that time, and some things that are said and written in this time.

It’s possible that Steve Cohen, being a straight liberal, doesn’t understand the desire of gay Americans to identify prominent (even if closeted) gay Americans in history.

Brunetto Latini

We vilify Hoover, not because he was closeted and needed to be, but because he did everything in his power to ruin the lives of gay people, closeted or not. Not because he was in the pocket of the Mafia, but because he attempted to derail civil rights for all Americans.

Hoover was a fascist lowlife who just happened to be gay.

Mia S. Kite

About Bruce VanWyngarden’s column, “Curb Alert” …

I got kicked off the site. What a bunch of uptight assholes. Absolutely no sense of humor. All I said was, “Dude, nobody wants your broken TV.” The guy was trying to sell a 50-inch broken TV for $250. For that they tossed me.


Wow, Mudgirl, I’ve never heard of anyone getting kicked off I’m guessing my neighborhood needs to step up its game. We’re pretty snooty though, and for the most part we don’t have “curb alerts.” We do have the usual complement of paranoid “suspicious” persons alerts.

Back to topic: curb alert for the Ole Miss football season — Bwahahaha!

Jenna Sais Quoi

I am tired of Jeb Bush mouthing the falsehood that his brother kept us safe. Donald Trump has been wrong about so many things, but he is right that George W. Bush failed to keep the U. S. safe. Bush and his administration ignored warnings from the CIA and FBI of possible terrorist attacks before 9/11. He had the CIA report “Bin-Laden Determined to Strike in America” and took no actions to protect us. Not one. With the country and most of the world behind him, Bush could have focused on destroying al-Qaeda completely after 9/11.

Instead, he got us into an unnecessary war in Iraq and allowed al-Qaeda to grow stronger during his terms. Bush did not keep us safe, and Jeb Bush would be wise not to mention his brother’s name.

Philip Williams

About Bruce VanWyngarden’s column, “Memphis Makes a Change” …

Hypocrisy is another word  for dishonesty, and liberal is another word for dishonest. 

Reading The Memphis Flyer is like traveling to an alternate universe where up is down, especially when the editor decries and is “saddened” when former Mayor Herenton took “cheap shots” at A C Wharton, but mere moments before, took the cheapest of cheap shots at former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee. 

I am no fan of Mike Huckabee, but I am also no fan of the dishonest. You chose to use the word “Christian” as if it were a four-letter word, then had the unmitigated audacity to add “sleazeball?” And you call that being “progressive,” inclusive, open-minded, and tolerant? 

You and your liberal rag are the real sleazeballs. 

Frank M. Boone

Editor’s Note: The term used to describe Huckabee was “Christianist.”