Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Randy Haspel’s column, “Give ‘Em Hill” …

I hate people who make Hillary look good. It’s a conspiracy wrapped in a plot inside a fraud.

CL Mullins

Oh look, Hillary won a Kewpie doll. Oh wait, that’s Trey Gowdy. Make it a Kreepie doll.


Actually he’s the kid holding the banjo in Deliverance … all growed up.


“Dueling Banjos” is his “Eye of the Tiger.”


About Toby Sells’ post, “City Engineer Steps Down in First Post-Election Departure” …

He was also the point man who had to rationalize the dangerously designed and indefensible bike lanes on Riverside and was roundly shouted down by residents at the public meetings.

The idea for placing more parking meters downtown was boneheaded, discouraging Memphians from coming downtown. I am glad to see Mr. Cameron leave, and I just hope the next departure will be Mr. Rogers from Memphis Animal Services.

Memphis Tigers

My dad and I rode the Riverside bike lanes almost every weekend. Nobody says a word when they shut down Riverside for a couple months every year, but squeeze out lanes for bicycles, and everyone goes insane.


Wow! Absolutely right! Taking over 10,000 motorists a DAY and halving their traffic lanes (and doubling the accident rate) is a small price to pay so Scooter and his dad can ride those bike lanes almost 50 times a year. After all, two to three dozen cyclists a day used those bike lanes! Those selfish motorists! Equally hard to understand is the selfish public expecting to park on a public street! The nerve!

Hopefully, the new mayor will end the tyranny of PC and/or connected, tiny-but-vocal special-interest groups before all the traffic flows and parking in Midtown and downtown is ruined.


To all the folks vilifying the evil PC bike lanes: Just keep in mind that unless you’re able to differentiate yourself as a neighborhood, then you have little to offer. If our product (that is Midtown and downtown) looks and feels exactly like Cordova, then we have nothing meaningful to offer, and convincing people to infill and redevelop becomes an impossible task.

If you allow street life to develop and have your auto commute lengthened by 180 seconds, we can start to differentiate our product in a profound way. If we hold fast to a car-centric vision, then we’re exactly like all the other second-tier Sun Belt cities. Remake the whole of Midtown and downtown in the spirit of Harbor Town and watch what happens.


If Toney Armstrong’s department would enforce the law on Riverside, those bicycle lanes would still be there. Daily commuters should not use that road as their route.


When Exxon/ISIS kicks the price of gas up to $10 a gallon you’ll all be scrambling for your Schwinns.

Nick R

About Bruce VanWyngarden’s “Bacon, Cheese Dip, and Rocket Scientists” …

Ah, the crappy commentary from The Memphis Flyer. Show some more political bias!

Chris Hopper

Perfect, Bruce! Hillary, too, brought home the bacon in the BS “Bengotcha” hearings.


What’s the difference between this editorial and 50,000 plastic cups that say “Pancho’s Cheese Dip?”

Ichabod McCrane

About our elderly …

Isn’t it ironic that conservatives will whine and complain over giving a single mother $200 to feed her hungry kids or provide medical care for our elderly but not bat an eye over wasting $5,000,000 on investigations to hurt Hillary’s presidential bid?

Jim Brasfield