Greg Cravens
About Toby Sells’ story, “Tina Sullivan Talks Trams in the Old Forest” …
There are alternative routes to get from any one place to another on any given surface. This is basic geometry. It’s not really hard to see that the Memphis Zoo leadership is full of elephant droppings here. Again.
The zoo continues to be adamant about using the roads through the Old Forest, a practice which is illegal, according to the state of Tennessee. That area is off limits to motorized vehicles.
Everyone is trying to compromise and work out a solution. Chuck Brady continues to be the chief impediment to any solution to this problem. It’s time to approve the mayor’s plan, end parking on the Greensward forever, and get a new CEO for the zoo.
Save Overton
About Jackson Baker’s column, “Filling the Space” …
Very sorry for your loss, but I’m glad you intend to stay on the job for another few decades.
CL Mullins
Thanks, always, for your good work.
Bill Andrews
About the Flyer’s cover story, “Woke.” …
I think you can look for police numbers to decline and policing to get more difficult and crime to go up. That does not mean that changes should not take place, but behavior still goes back to childhood, parenting, schooling, discrimination, and economics.