Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said…

Greg Cravens

About Bianca Phillips’ post, “OUTMemphis is New Name for MGLCC” …

Please don’t change it again. These tattoo do-overs are both time consuming and painful.

Long Duck Dong

About Bryce Ashby and Michael LaRosa’s Viewpoint, “The Seismic Shift in Voting Demographics” …

To a substantial degree, individuals are products of their race/ethnicity. It is no accident that lions live and move in prides, wolves in packs, birds in flocks, and insects in swarms. Humans, of course, are more advanced and are capable of free thinking and free action independent and apart from their group — at least sometimes. However, for the most part, individuals behave in line with the rest of their respective group, their respective racial/ethnic identity. It is so much easier and more pleasant to be a conformist than an outcast or misfit.

On top of this, all humans share in common certain traits and flaws like greed, lust, jealousy, and ambition. Mix lots of individuals of various races/ethnicities together (especially in badly lop-sided numbers with disparate levels of power/influence) with universal human flaws, and you get division, oppression, persecution, subjugation, suffering, and tyranny followed by their most famous love child — violence/war/ethnic cleansing.

However, all or most of the oppressors started out as a Joe or a Juan or the son of a historically oppressed/persecuted Joe or Juan. And then one day, young and strong Joe or Juan, full of anger and resentment, decided that enough was enough and decided to do something about that old oppressor. Unfortunately, in the process, Joe or Juan usually becomes the new oppressor.


Were SuperTrump to build a mega wall and carry the millions of illegals back to their far-flung homes on his mighty shoulders, our economy would either fail or be forced into drastic redistribution of wealth. Trump is obviously part of Putin’s fifth column. As are his many commie-trained wives and ex-wives.

CL Mullins

It’s entirely possible for folks to be in disagreement about the politics of immigration, have serious discussions about immigration policy as articulated by one political party or another, and still do all of this without injecting race into your argument at all.

You have to feel sad for people like Bill who can’t seem to grasp this simple idea.


Billy, strutting alone around the wrestling ring, blowing kisses at the empty seats.


Every great society needs a peasant class. And if we can’t import one, we must make one.


About Trump and Reagan …

Republicans have been comparing Donald Trump with Ronald Reagan. By no stretch of the imagination could Trump ever be considered comparable to Reagan, except maybe in their celebrity status. Reagan is considered the patron saint of all true conservatives, but the GOP has moved so far to the right since Reagan’s presidency that today he wouldn’t be allowed on the same stage as the typical GOP candidate.

The real Reagan — not the mythic one revered by Republicans today — granted amnesty to nearly three million illegal immigrants, vastly increased the size of the federal government, raised taxes four times, and nearly tripled the national debt. On abortion, Reagan “mouthed the pro-life line” as president, but as governor of California, he signed a legalization bill that enabled abortions in the state to rise from 500 a year to nearly a million. Having been shot himself, he advocated sensible firearms legislation — supporting both the Brady Bill and an assault weapons ban. By today’s Republican standards, Reagan was a heretic. 
