Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said… (August 6, 2015)

Greg Cravens

About Toby Sells’ story, “TDOT Delays New Interchange Plan, I-55 Bridge Closure” …

This only shows the misguided thinking of a lot of people. The project is needed! I’m sure that Arkansas and West Memphis did all the studies as to how the mess that was I-40/55 that ran through the area for over two years would affect Memphis and Shelby County.

Instead of thinking about the future, we are stuck in the past. The bridge and approaches are not designed to interstate standards. It is too expensive to replace the entire bridge, but the power brokers in Arkansas are too busy protecting their turf. What reason is there to go to West Memphis other than the dog track, which would be closed had it not been for the river flooding a few years ago that shut down the casinos in Mississippi.

Crittenden County has not seen the growth or development that the other areas surrounding Memphis have seen in the last 30 years, but no one seems to ask the question why. Maybe it’s because they are stuck with the “good ol’ boy” network and can’t see the big picture, because they are too busy looking out for themselves.

Kevin Schultz

The whole Mid-South dodged a big bullet when this ill-fated TDOT boondoggle got stopped in its tracks. Spending $60 million on an interchange for an already obsolete bridge is backward thinking at its best. Shutting down the bridge for such an idiotic plan would have imperiled the area’s economy and public safety.

TDOT definitely needs to go back to the drawing board with the I-55 interchange plan, but the larger, undeniable long-term solution is that another bridge needs to be built over the Mississippi at Memphis.


Thank goodness this was stopped. They need to come up with a safer, better plan.

Andrea Amato Marconi

I’m looking forward to seeing the designs for the catapult launch and net capture system for crossing the river. Will they use gravity power or compressed air?


About the Flyer’s cover story, “Totally Skewered” …

It’s a shame you left off a true Memphis treat: Steak Kabob and Kabob Snack at Belmont Grill. One of the best beef experiences in Memphis. No sauce needed; goes great with a gin and tonic.

Debra Blundell

I second the rave Toby Sells gave to Rizzo’s Diner’s Lobster Pronto Pup. That’s some dang good eating.

Downtown Moe

About a Tuesday morning at Shelby Farms …

It is 7:30 on a Tuesday morning, and as I drive through the twists and turns off of the Shelby Farms entrance I see a woman speed-walking down the road. Then, as I make my way past the horse stables and the new playground, I see happy “morning people,” like me, getting out of cars with dogs, bikes, children, and friends. Most of them are laughing or waving at passersby. 

Who are these people? Where did they come from? Teens and tweens are walking alongside their mothers. A few men are fishing at the lakes. A kayaker dips his oar into the water as he glides along. 

It’s a fresh look at Shelby Farms for me. I normally come out to walk on a weekend afternoon or to shuttle kids here for soccer. It’s a completely different crowd in the early morning — peppy, organized, and full of smiles. I want to be part of this crowd. Oh wait, today I am a part of this crowd, as my friends and I sit and chat in an open field. 

We see the dew on the forest-green blades of grass. The sky is as blue as Dorothy’s dress in The Wizard of Oz. Tiny, puffy clouds dot the sky, and dragonflies dance across the field. 

Who knew that this little piece of heaven was waiting here at Shelby Farms, only known to a few at 7:30 on a Tuesday morning. 

Marie White