Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said (February 19, 2015) …

Greg Cravens

About Bianca Phillips’ “Hotties” story …

Man, I tried every trendy thing I could think of to make this year’s Hotties list. Liposuction. A personal trainer. L.L. Bean duck boots. I hung around the Ashley Madison website. Leased a Prius. Reactivated my old StarTAC.

No call from the Flyer. And when I was tipped about the “Puppy Love” theme, I immediately had my beloved Puckered Spaniel groomed.

But, no. Maybe next year. In the meantime I’ve had cosmetic surgery to display a permanent look of shock and disbelief on my face. Maybe that’ll make the Flyer feel guilty about the snub.

Congrats to all the winners. You’re a good-looking and talented bunch.

Smitty Patterson

Smitty Patterson, I sympathize, after viewing this group, I immediately spanked my spaniel.


About Bruce VanWyngarden’s editor’s letter on the Republican rift …

Every so-called common sense Republican who has tried has been devoured. The few who have displayed momentary lapses of lucidity were swiftly chastised and quickly repented. As Charles Pierce says, there’s been a prion disease eating away at the Republican brain for several decades now. The Reasonable Republican is extinct as a political species. There are still Reasonable Republicans out there, but they don’t run for office because they know they can’t get elected in today’s Republican Party.


Jeff, I would extend that to say there are reasonable people in both parties. The rise of extremism on both sides (for some reason they are much louder among the R’s) has precluded the participation of anyone that could even remotely be labeled as a “moderate.”

There are stories of hope out there. I read in a New York Times article that Republicans in Iowa have very recently “purged” their leadership ranks of the Tea Party/extremist/libertarian elements. The process was apparently undertaken based on a very strong hint by the national party that the use of Iowa as a litmus test of sorts for new candidates was in serious jeopardy. Apparently there were many potential nominees who were not interested in going to Iowa due to the increasingly far-right activist leadership at the state party level and resulting elections that pointed towards candidates considered unelectable at the national level. However, seeing as Tennessee draws neither attention during national races nor is it considered a prize worthy of investment by either party, I guess our chance of seeing a push from above for more levelheaded Republican leadership is slim at best.


About the post, “Zeke Logan: 1965-2015” …

Zeke, you will truly be missed. Your thoughts and humor made this city a better place to live. My upmost prayers and thoughts go to your family and friends. Know that you brought so many smiles to the faces of so many people.

Sean Jackson

Much love to Zeke and his sweet family. Peace.


About Ruth Ogles Johnson’s Viewpoint, “A School Schedule Fix” …

This schedule is ridiculous on so many levels that I can’t begin to count them all. Five-hour school days? Buses on the roads after nightfall? Granted, a change does need to occur, but this is not the answer.

Pamela Cates

Can someone tell me why so many people have their panties in a wad because President Obama spoke about historical religious facts? Extremists of all religions are useless, whether Muslim, Christian, or Jew. There are a few churches that are wonderful but too often the extremists ruin it for them. Why deny the truth and get all ticked off because someone mentions historical facts? I would like to get as far away from these people as I can. In fact, I guess that I’d rather be sinning.

Dagmar Bergan