Letters To The Editor Opinion

What They Said (January 8, 2015) …

Greg Cravens

About Chris Shaw’s “Interview With Hi-Tone’s New Owner” …

Just please keep it weird. If that place starts stinking of patchouli, I’m gonna be ticked.


About Bruce VanWyngarden’s column, “A Merry Little Christmas” …

Humbug! Given the assumption that this incident should inform us of something, I wonder if “Christmas spirit” prevailing is any less fantastic than Jesus incognito.

An equally valid lesson, irrespective of religion, might be: Be mindful of avoiding proximity to idiots. The best outcome is inconvenience, and the worst is incalculable. In a pinch, use kindness to regain distance.

Brunetto Latini

You acted like a gentleman in spite of the circumstances. Your mother should be very proud! You showed us all how to be gracious as well as merciful.

Fat Bachelor

Fat bachelor, excellent take. Gentlemanly pretty much sums it up. I can’t believe you’re still single.

Mia S. Kite

About the Flyer‘s editorial on possible compromises in Nashville …

I wouldn’t get too optimistic about Republicans in the state legislature wanting to compromise on anything but health care. They are just adjusting to political reality. They realize voters would tend to remember if  several hospitals in the state were allowed to go belly up because of some crazy ideology, and the business leaders mentioned were probably large donors to the state GOP.


If we are going to spend billions every year on health care and food assistance programs, then we need to start investing more of that money into sustainable projects that are nearly free, or can pay for themselves over time. Community farms would boost every local economy in this country.

I don’t think it makes sense that we pay farmers to not grow certain crops while children go hungry. Farmers should be paid for their surpluses instead. Until we meet the needs of our own people, we are a poor example to the world.

This is how we put people back to work: a New Deal that will allow all young people to build the food system in this country, block by block, just like we built up the roads and bridges during the Great Depression. It is our most pressing need. Any initial costs would be made up after harvests and sales in the first year.

It will change our society when there is a local food system for every person. The people will eat, and no one will go hungry. It will free up everyone to live in social harmony when our basic needs are met.

Garrett Collins

About Toby Sells’ story “More Details Emerge on Ikea Memphis Deal” …

I am ecstatic about an Ikea closer to me than Dallas! I will be traveling to Memphis and, thus, staying in a hotel and probably eating in Memphis while I do my shopping there. A lot of us will. It’s not just for people in Memphis. It’s for all of us who currently would have to travel six hours to get to an Ikea.

Nancy Hutchens

I’m excited about the new Ikea store. When I first heard about it, I thought it was going to be a factory. But I like having the store here even more. It shows that my hometown is really coming up. And, goodness knows, we need those jobs, because they offer real salaries.

Vanessa McVay

About Les Smith’s column, “The Council and the Mayor” …

The city council should not be eligible for any city benefits — no city insurance and no city retirement. Private employers don’t pay benefits to part-time employees. At the risk of being a cynic, my opinion is that it was no coincidence that Wanda Halbert’s proposal will include most councilmen in the retirement program.

Jenna C’est Quoi