Sports Sports Feature

What’s the Next Move for the Grizzlies?

I was hoping to post a detailed offseason preview this week looking at all free-agent options and potential trade targets. But, I don’t have time for that and the Grizzlies are unlikely to be super-aggressive this summer altering a roster that’s already been radically changed. So, instead, I’ll go on the record with what I think would be the best path for the Grizzlies to take in the coming months …

I was hoping to post a detailed offseason preview this week looking at all free-agent options and potential trade targets. But, I don’t have time for that and the Grizzlies are unlikely to be super-aggressive this summer altering a roster that’s already been radically changed. So, instead, I’ll go on the record with what I think would be the best path for the Grizzlies to take in the coming months. Hey, Chris Wallace, Michael Heisley, Tony Barone, and Marc Iavaroni: If you’re reading, here’s the blueprint …

Read Chris Herrington’s blueprint for the Grizzlies’ future at Beyond the Arc.