We asked a group of Memphis’ most tech savvy to share their latest app obsessions, and why they’re wowed. You definitely want to check out these recommendations, and please add your own in the comments below.
- http://www.iconshock.com/
Kyle Sandler of Nibletz introduced me to my own app du jour: Voxer, a free “all in one messenger” for Apple and Android that lets you send audio, text, photos and location to selected recipients. The audio messages are key: Voxer turns your smartphone into a walkie-talkie, and is a nearly hands-free alternative to texting for those “don’t forget to pick up coffee” messages.
Tal Frankfurt, Cloud for Good
Dropbox provides cloud-based storage for documents, photos and other files. Your account can connect to all of your devices – including iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry and Kindle Fire – so it’s easy to access all my files from anywhere at any time.
Rachel Hurley, Kangaroo
The app that I really can not live without is Feedly. It’s a reader that makes it super easy to share content. It’s one of those apps that you are almost scared to tell people about because it gives you such an edge. It works with iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle and Firefox. And its free!
Brad Montgomery, Work for Pie
Zombies, Run! ($7.99, iOS, Android, Windows mobile) is THE most awesome running app, EVER. It turns your run or workout into a zombie apocalypse game.
Trish Kalbas-Schmidt, University of Memphis Crews Venture Lab
This is old school but one of my favorites is TurboScan. You can create PDFs of by taking pictures of documents with your phone. In a world where we still do need hard copies or at least PDFs of documents it comes in pretty handy! It was $1.99 and I use it all the time.
James Kegel, GeekBlog.tv
My favorite app is AirDroid. It is free from the Google Play store, and allows me to use my droid from my browser. You can send text messages, install apps, and do just about anything without touching your phone.
Cheryl Hurley, The Stylist Quo
Right now my obsession is with Keek, a social network for short video uploads. I’m trying to develop an early following before it explodes. It’s free, and available for iPhone and Android; you can also upload via webcam.
Carrie Brown-Smith, University of Memphis Journalism Department
I couldn’t live without Delicious or Evernote for productivity to store and tag useful articles, research, and information so that I can find it later.
Kenn Gibbs, The Knowledge Co.
As much of a tech junkie as I am, I just started using a password manager and really like LastPass. It’s $12 a year to keep all your passwords secure on any OS. There are other free options out there, but I liked the higher security (I’m a little paranoid), and I can easy go between my Mac, Windows, and Linux machines.