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Where Was This LOEB’s — With The Big Pig Sign?

Where was this Loebs Bar-B-Q?

  • Where was this Loeb’s Bar-B-Q?

I always thought that Loeb’s was an unusual company, since it operated both laundries and barbecue joints. But maybe it was a brilliant move, since people who slopped barbecue sauce all over their white shirts might take them to a Loeb’s Laundry to be cleaned.

At any rate, Loeb’s made some pretty tasty barbecue, and by the 1960s it seems there was a Loeb’s Bar-B-Q on just about every corner. They’re all gone now, after the company decided to focus on their commercial real estate business.

Which brings me to this week’s mystery.

Most of the Loeb’s Bar-B-Q shops that I visited had a pole-mounted sign, in the shape of a standing pig, outside on the street or sidewalk. The silhouette was quite distinctive, and you can still find many of these around town, painted over to reflect the name of whatever new business has moved into the old building.

But while leafing through a 1964 Snowden Junior High School annual, I noticed this little ad for a Loeb’s with an entirely different — and much larger — rooftop sign. Boy, that is one Big Pig!

So the obvious question is: Where was this particular establishment, and what stands there now?