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Who (or Where) Was This Scary Creature?

94b5/1248449232-pieman-small.jpg Several months ago — okay, maybe it was more than a year ago — time is but a blur these days — I was at an estate sale in Raleigh and wandered into the backyard, where I spotted this neglected creature, just standing by the fence, looking as if he had been there for years. He — or it — stands about four feet tall and is apparently a chef, sporting black-and-white checked pants, a blue apron, and even wearing wire-rimmed glasses, all (except the glasses) nicely crafted from fiberglass, carrying a tray that once held — what? I’m not sure why he has Shrek-like green skin, unless the sun discolored him that way.

The figure looks vaguely familiar, so I’m convinced that years ago he stood outside a Memphis restaurant. Some type of pizza parlor, perhaps?

Does anybody remember where this fellow originally came from?

And in case you’re wondering: No, I didn’t buy it, though the fellow would have looked quite fine on the front lawn of the Lauderdale Mansion, perhaps collecting mail or — even better — donations from visitors.