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Wild About Harry (Potter)

How long must we wait for the final Harry Potter book?

Scholastic Books, author J.K. Rowling’s publisher, says six months. Davis-Kidd Booksellers, which is calling the latest Potter “quite possibly the most anticipated literary work of all time,” says …

How long must we wait for the final Harry Potter book?

Scholastic Books, author J.K. Rowling’s publisher, says six months. Davis-Kidd Booksellers, which is calling the latest Potter “quite possibly the most anticipated literary work of all time,” asks, Why wait? You can pay for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (seventh and final installment in the phenomenally popular series) now, but you can’t get your hands on it until Saturday, July 21st, the official publication date.

Davis-Kidd, however, can reserve a copy for you today at a 20 percent discount on the book. To keep you company until July, each voucher also comes with a coupon for 20 percent off any of Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” titles.