Wile’s-Smith chocolate malt
Charlie Smith, owner of Wiles-Smith, says that he’s in talks with additional people about keeping the beloved soda shop open. “It’s a good possibility,” he says.
In September, Smith announced he was closing the drug store and soda fountain, which opened in 1944. The plan was to sell the pharmacy and keep the soda fountain open until late November. The drug store part of the business is now closed, but the soda fountain, serving breakfast and lunch, is open.
Smith says the potential partner does not wish to be named at this time, but is someone he deems reliable.
If the deal goes through, Smith says, the soda fountain will remain as is, with a little refurbishing. The menu would be expanded.
As of now, Smith still talks about the last day of Wiles-Smith. If the partnership doesn’t work out, the shop will close at the end of December, Smith estimates.
“We’ve been talking about giving a trophy to the person who gets the last milkshake,” he says.