Intermission Impossible Theater

Will Call: Tips & Tidbits for the Theatrically Inclined


I’m not a snob. I’m really not. But I may not make it out to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat or Red, White, and Tuna. I don’t detest the former as I do so many “Really Useful” musicals and I am certain that Theatre Memphis is blowing it out. But I’ve seen it enough to know that I’d be much more interested in a honey-coated anthill dip than sitting through another round with Joseph. Seriously, I’d be more inclined to attend a 48-Hour Sound of Music marathon starring Jim Carrey in all the roles. As for Red, White, & Tuna… I hope it makes a lot of money for Playhouse on the Square. But I don’t find the mere mention of a Frito pie all that funny. So it’s probably best for me to stay at home this weekend. That said, there’s no reason you should.

As mentioned here, I wasn’t blown away by Project: Motions eMPHasis on Blue. It was tonally static and with few wonderful exceptions any achievement in dance was blanketed over by gushing sentimentality and heavy melancholy. In the previous post, however, I failed to mention a solo performance by Ondine Geary which doesn’t just stand out from the rest of the show, it stands out as a solo work generally.

Wearing the costume of a circus performer Geary performs a handful of not very impressive tricks then basks in the appreciation of an unseen audience. Then her body begins to fail driving her from her stage and forcing her to confront change and evolve. It’s one of this overly-maudlin show’s two real stunners, marrying a rare dose of much needed humor with some of the evening’s more authentically emotional moments.

If you’re looking for something a little more mainstream you may want to take a trip to Millington to sample Playhouse 51’s production of Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap, which opens June 11th and runs through the 19th.

To my ongoing shame I’ve not yet made it out to sample the fare at Playhouse 51. If anyone visits this weekend I’d appreciate a review.

As for me, I think I’ll just take in the Tony Awards this weekend and let you guys have all the fun.