News News Feature


“…Perhaps Congressman Ford should realize that he deserves opposition from a Democrat in the next election if he cannot do a better job of providing opposition to the Bush agenda of pre-emptive war and the slashing and burning of the economy….”


At a friend’s recent dinner party in East Memphis, the subject of politics came up. My friend mentioned her newfound admiration for Harold Ford, Jr. who had become her Congressional representative after redistricting took place last year.

She discussed her satisfaction with his voting record, particularly, his support of the war in Iraq and his support of the Bush economic plan while complimenting his charm and intelligence. Finally, I asked her if she would vote for Congressman Ford if he runs for the U.S. Senate. Without blinking, her response was, “Well, heavens no. Of course not. I could never do that. He’s a Democrat.”

When the bright, articulate, and telegenic Congressman comes to recognize reality, it will be a bitter pill to swallow. Your editorial (“Take Note, Congressman”) is bold in its criticism, but refreshing in its honesty. Perhaps Congressman Ford should realize that he deserves opposition from a Democrat in the next election if he cannot do a better job of providing opposition to the Bush agenda of pre-emptive war and the slashing and burning of the economy. With Democrats so unwilling to oppose, who needs Republicans?

Cheri Del Brocco
