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Wolf River Trails at Shelby Farms Closed

The trails around the Wolf River bridge are closed from flooding.

  • The trails around the Wolf River bridge are closed from flooding.

About two weeks ago, before the Mississippi River began its rapid rise, the Wolf River reached the flood stage, covering the southern edge of Shelby Farms Park with water.

The primitive Wolf River trails were completely submerged, but the new Wolf River pedestrian bridge connecting the park with the land that backs up to Wolf River Boulevard was never underwater. The water flooding the trails has now receded, but Shelby Farms Park spokesperson Jen Andrews said they’ll remain closed until park staff can fully access the damage.

Andrews said some of the trails may need to be rebuilt, and about five percent of the landscape plants at the bridge’s footing will need to be replaced.

“We’ll have to remove debris. We will not reopen that area until we’re sure it can be safe,” Andrews said.