Last year, when Annesdale-Snowden was chosen as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in America, neighbors did not take the designation kindly.
Now two new Memphis neighborhoods have that opportunity.
WalletPop recently named the area around Florida Street as the country’s 12th most dangerous neighborhood and choose N. Danny Thomas Boulevard as the 19th.
WalletPop’s data suggested that in the Florida Street area, almost 40 percent of the population is under 17. It seems fitting, then, that the area is less educated than in most U.S. neighborhoods, but it’s also among the 15 percent lowest income neighborhoods in the country.
The Danny Thomas area fares better. Though the Uptown area doesn’t seem to be within Walletpop’s borders, the site’s data characterizes the neighborhood as trendy, walkable, and suburban. (Ed. note: !?!)
As for the rest of the list … Four of the neighborhoods were in the Atlanta area, one — number 10 — was in Chattanooga, and three were in Las Vegas.