YoLo Midtown unveiled its five finalists in the Project Green Fork Gelato Contest yesterday, and the results were delectable, local, and totally grassroots.
After receiving 115 (!) gelato flavors, Margot McNeeley of Project Green Fork narrowed down the choices to the few that best represented PGF’s local, sustainable bent. Out of eight that were tested in actual gelato form, only five made the cut:

Dad’s Jack, created by the mysterious and otherwise unidentified “Dad” — organic ginger root and Jack Daniel’s Tennessee whiskey reduction.
Anna’s Afternoon Amusement, by Anna Hatfield — Dinstuhl’s caramel and sea salt blended into McCarter coffee gelato.
Come Home, Honey, by Olivia Wilmot — local honey from Hughes Apiaries mixed into pistachio gelato.
Dining with Green Monkeys, by Stacey Greenberg — green tea gelato steeped with Jones Orchard apple butter.
Pearadise Lost, by Davis Kidd Booksellers — Jones Orchard pear preserves in pear sorbetto.