News News Blog

You Know You’re From Memphis If…

Grit and grind. Duck march. Dry rub. Tiny Bomb.

You know you’re from Memphis if you know these things without context clues.

Memphis is one of a kind. Memphis experiences are, too. You got ‘em. We want ‘em.

The Memphis Flyer wants you, our wonderful readers, to submit your own, one-of-a-kind Memphis experiences (or witticisms and criticisms from the past and present) for our first “You Know You’re From Memphis If…” cover story.

Rules for submission:

Submissions should finish the phrase: “You know you’re from Memphis if…” Multiple submissions are welcome.

Contributors must give their first and last names. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication.

All submissions must be sent to Flyer editor, Bruce VanWyngarden, at (Only submissions sent to Bruce will be considered for publication.)

Flyer staff will read and vet submissions for print. All submissions (within reason) will be published on our website after the print edition is delivered.

Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, July 6. Story will publish on Thursday, July 14.