Opinion The BruceV Blog

Why I Can’t Possibly Write a Blogpost

So, here I sit in my Flyer office, with its thin gray carpet and faded yellow walls. My desk is utilitarian — steel-and-fake-wood, with one drawer that won’t close all the way. There’s a window to the larger office outside, but it’s got a curtain, and when I shut my door and draw the curtain, this place is a great spot to focus on writing and editing and blogging. Dark and cozy.

At least, it used to be. But now the bottom of my computer screen is constantly teasing me, trying to divert me from the task at hand. As I write this, for example, the e-mail icon is tirelessly bouncing up and down, indicating some fresh e-juice awaits. The Twitter alert is popping onscreen in the lower right-hand corner every few seconds, letting me know that one or more of my “friends” has posted an update.


How the hell am I supposed to work? How can I possibly ignore my friends? See, here’s an email letting me know that someone wants to be my friend on Facebook. A new friend!! How great is that!

I know. I know. I could and should turn off the alerts. Shut out the cyberworld. Focus.

But I don’t wanna. Besides, I’m in the news and entertainment biz. If I shut off the outside world, I’ll miss something important.

For instance, since 8:00 this morning I’ve learned the following from Twitter:
A man was arrested for trying to burn the gay pride flag in Cooper-Young; Hippolite Tsafack will play basketball for the University of Memphis; there will be a speed-dating event at SOB tonight; WREG reporter Mike Matthews joked that he is known as the King of cold cuts; the Memphis Airport has become a nation-wide joke on Twitter, thanks to R.C. Johnson’s referring to it as a recruiting asset. And that’s just the minimal highlights gleaned from 148 tweets. There’s so much more.

E-mail, for instance. All day long, my email has been delivering even more exciting news: Marsha Blackburn is doing something patriotic for Veterans Day; four bands want their CD reviewed; several folks think my penis needs improvement; my buddy Jerry wants to play golf Saturday; somebody thinks we should run a different astrology column (the one he writes) in the Flyer; there’s a new recycling thingie called “trash talk” that’s perfect for tailgating and parties. And those are just a very few of the highlights from the more than 220 e-mails I’ve received so far today.

So you see, I couldn’t possibly shut off the outside cyber-world. This is vital information, necessary for my work. Without it, for example, I couldn’t possibly have written this blog post.


Man Arrested for Trying to Burn Gay Pride Flag

Memphis Police arrested 23-year-old Ross Burton early Wednesday morning after he attempted to burn the gay pride flag at the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center (MGLCC) at 892 S. Cooper.

Bianca Phillips has more.

Daily Photo Special Sections

the veggie plate

Memphis Gaydar News

Man Arrested for Attempting to Burn Gay Pride Flag

Memphis Police arrested 23-year-old Ross Burton early Wednesday morning after he attempted to burn the gay pride flag at the Memphis Gay & Lesbian Community Center (MGLCC) at 892 S. Cooper.

Partially burned flag pole rope

  • Thomas Simmons
  • Partially burned flag pole rope

Plainclothes officers observed Burton and another man — who fled the scene and remains at large — attempting to set fire to the rope that runs up the flag pole in front of the MGLCC. When police officers approached the men, an altercation ensued, and one suspect attempted to disarm an officer. Additional police were dispatched and some reportedly received lacerations and abrasions from the struggle. The suspects fled, but Burton was located and arrested.

Ross Burton

  • Ross Burton

Burton is being charged with aggravated assault and vandalism under $500.

This event marks the second act of vandalism against the MGLCC in two months. In September, an MGLCC National Coming Out Day billboard at Poplar and High was destroyed. No word on whether the two crimes were related.

Said MGLCC director Will Batts: “Public incidents such as this shed light on the larger issue of intolerance and hatred that our lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens face every day. Once again, attempts to silence or frighten our community will not succeed, but will make us more determined to fight for equality. We appreciate the support of the community in this struggle.”


M.A.D. Dash — Midtown-Downtown Loop

Mary Cashiola reports on a new proposed private bus loop between downtown and midtown. Sounds like a great idea to us.


Tommy West’s Excellent Suggestion

Tommy West said the University of Memphis should get serious about football or do away with it. The second part of his suggestion deserves serious consideration. And the university has the experts for the job …

So says John Branston.


Mad Dash

Last night, armed with wine, cheese, and homemade bread, members of the local arts community, the Midtown Development Corporation, and transportation advocates got back on the bus.

The bus ride was a test run for Go M.A.D. Transit, which stands for Midtown and Downtown.

“For the past several months, we’ve been trying to find ways of linking Midtown with Downtown,” said Playhouse on the Square’s Jackie Nichols. “Tonight, we’re taking the route and enjoying each others’ company.”

With 24 stops, the M.A.D. Dash would link four colleges, eight neighborhoods, 10 arts venues, and eight cultural sites, and, if last night was any indication, take about an hour to make the full loop.

The bus’ double loop, which would be centered on Overton Square, would go west on Linden, south on Main Street to the National Civil Rights Museum, east on Madison, then head north on Cooper and around Overton Park, south on East Parkway to Cooper-Young, and then back to Overton Square.


Tommy West’s Excellent Suggestion


Tommy West is a truth teller.

He said the University of Memphis should get serious about football or do away with it. The second part of his suggestion deserves serious consideration. And the university has the experts for the job.

The U of M’s Sparks Bureau of Business and Economic Research should produce a report on the costs and benefits of football. It should include, at a minimum, actual attendance figures for the last ten seasons, the football budget, the deficits from football, the athletic department budget, the cost of West and his coaching staff, the likely cost of a new (and more expensive) coach and assistants, and the cost of an indoor practice facility. And the most likely sources of funds.

Then it should address the other half of West’s syllogism, with a twist. What if the university got super serious about academics and deemphasized football? Football coaches aren’t the only superstars. Taking a suggestion from Memphis entrepreneur Bob Compton, how many professors of Mandarin, Farsi, entrepreneurship, and business could be hired for the $2.7 million still owed Tommy West? How many students would use a new health, wellness, and recreation center open to everyone, not just 85 football players? And how much does annual giving actually depend on having a Division 1 football team that drew 4,100 people to a recent game?

Style Sessions We Recommend

Legends of the Fall

Not that y’all asked, but fall is my favorite season.

I love the light, that little bite in the air, and the way you can go outside without immediately passing out from heat stroke.

Actually, what I like most is the way you can wear sweaters and such sans outerwear. Or with outerwear. Or whatever makes you most comfortable. It’s really a very versatile time.

Take kindergarten teacher Jamie Thompson, for instance.



She is wearing a light, long-sleeved green-on-green argyle sweater with plaid slacks, sunglasses, and pumps.

To me, this seems very versatile: she could easily wear this just about anywhere and be comfortable: inside, outside, to lunch, to the office, or for doing what she was doing: watching her two small children play outside of City Hall.

Style Sessions We Recommend

From Tip to Toe

Constance Johnson likes what she calls “the easy style.”



When we ran into her outside of the COGIC convention last week, she was wearing a green cardigan layered over a black lacey tee, a banded skirt, and black boots (Everyone has been wearing boots lately! I know they were in last year bigtime, but it seems like they’ve only gotten bigger since then!)

“I don’t like to be confined,” she says of her outfit. “I didn’t want to walk around and tiptoe in some heels. … I can be comfortable and praise the Lord at the same time.”

I bet some of you ladies who don’t like heels are giving her an “Amen” right now.