There’s too much retail, but not enough to go around. John Branston explores the dilemma.
Month: November 2009

- Chancellor Perkins
Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett and state Coordinator of Elections Mark Goins may have dodged the bullet, but it would appear from a ruling Thursday by Chancellor Russell T. Perkins in Nashville that a pistol is still pointed at them on the matter of enforcing the 2008 Tennessee Voter Confidence Act (TVCA).
Chancellor Perkins denied the immediate injunctive relief sought by Common Cause of Tennessee and associated counsel, including University of Memphis law professor and county commissioner Steve Mulroy, but explicitly invalidated the persistent claim by defendants Hargett and Goins that no acceptable voting machines are available to carry out the act’s mandates.
What the Act, passed by the Tennessee legislature with virtual bi-partisan unanimity in 2008, calls for is that all 95 Tennessee counties be outfitted with optical-scan voting machines in time for the 2010 election cycle. The machines would electronically process paper ballots.
Hargett and Goins have raised several objections — the most noteworthy being that the Act requires machines meeting 2005 standards of the Federal Election Assistance Commission, a monitoring body established under the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA). In his ruling after Thursday’s ruling on a motion by Common Cause to require immediate action by Hargett and Goins, Chancellor Perkins summarized the key points this way:
“The TVCA does not require the voting system to be implemented by the State of Tennessee to meet 2005 standards. The Court determines that the State is obligated to take prompt, effective steps to meet the statutory deadline using compliant voting systems.
“Without making a direct ruling at this early stage about what HAVA requires, the Court determines that the State has discretion in determining whether to utilize the 2002 or 2005 standards, as long as this choice of standards does not jeopardize meeting the legislative mandate to implement a voting system that uses compliant precinct-based optical scanners on or before the November 2010 general election….”
Chancellor Perkins declined at this point, however, to find that the defendants in the suit had “wrongfully” intended to obstruct implementation of the act, and the sentence granting them “discretion” on the matter of standards weighs in the defendants’ favor, just as his warning that they may not “jeopardize” implementation of the Act weighs in favor of the plaintiffs.
The bottom line is that both sides appear to have enough wiggle room to continue a protracted struggle that has taken on discernibly partisan outlines.
In his statement on the ruling, Secretary of State Hargett invoked another major argument against immediate implementation of TVCA — that of exorbitant expense, concluding: “…Responsible legislators argue with these hard economic times upon us, it is not the time for additional taxes or government spending. As I stated earlier, we are preparing to go back to paper ballots as directed under current law by the November 2010 election. We understand this debate will continue in the next legislative session.”
While Hargett’s statement would appear to be guardedly compliant with the Act and Thursday’s ruling, the references to “current law” and to the prospect that “this debate will continue in the next legislative session” would seem to validate the fears of TVCA supporters that Hargett andf Goins mean to postpone any effort to implement the TVCA in the hope that the General Assembly, meeting in January, will amend the Act, negate it, or postpone the date of its implementation.
The unspoken premise of the showdown — which, in political terms, matches key Republicans like Hargett and Goins against Democratic spokespersons — is that next year’s elections will determine the shape of federal and state reapportionment in the elections of the next decade. Demcorats have been outspoken that only a “paper trail” can prevent electronic hacking or other potential distortions of election results.
Various proponents of the Act have rebutted claims, asserted by Hargett, Goins, and others, that the Act would impose prohibitive expenses on the 95 Tennessee counties, maintaining that $35 million in federal HAVA funds already dispensed to the state are more than enough to offset the costs of implementation.
Mulroy issued a lengthy statement interpreting Chancellor Edwards’s ruling as a qualified victory for the plaintiffs and said, “If the Defendants do not promptly implement, the Plaintiffs will have an additional opportunity to seek relief from the court.”
State Rep. Gary Odom of Nashville, Democratic leader in the state House, said in a statement, “…The court has ruled that it is time for the secretary of state’s office to stop dragging its feet and to provide for paper balloting for all of our voting machines in Tennessee elections by 2010.”
And state Senator Roy Herron (D-Dresden), a candidate for governor, said, “…I call on Secretary Hargett to implement the Voter Confidence Act and begin purchasing new voting machines with paper ballots without delay. The time to protect our vote is now….”
A statement by Tennessee Democratic Party chairman Chip Forrester included this assertion: “…Mr. Hargett cannot use the bogus claim anymore that the machines do not exist. Now maybe he will follow the law and do the job he was sworn to do.”
But all indications were that, pending another court test or ruling in the next two months, the battle may well continue into the General Assembly in January before anything definitive is done.
Another statement by Hargett suggests as much by indicating that the shape of a “request for proposal” (an invitation by the state for competitive bidding to supply the machines) cannot be determined until December or January and that “[a]t that time, we will issue a RFP to purchase machines certified to the strongest standards.”
What’s Your Memphis?
Animal welfare advocates are holding a candlelight vigil at Memphis Animal Services (3456 Tchulahoma Rd.) at 6 p.m. in response to the recent news of abuse and neglect at the city-run shelter.
Last week, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant at the shelter after a tip came into District Attorney Bill Gibbons’ office alleging abuse. Deputies found malnourished animals (like the one pictured) starved to the point of euthanasia, as well as dogs with rabies placed in cages with healthy dogs. Gibbons said criminal charges are likely.
Mayor AC Wharton has assembled a task force to look into the problem, and cameras have been installed at the shelter. He’s suspended euthanasia at the shelter until the city wraps up a investigation tomorrow. Wharton is expected to further address the problem at a press conference to be held Friday morning.

Is there anything more delicious-sounding than a cake-cutting ceremony?
Today at Shara’s Paperie, there will be such an event to announce its new line of gift cakes, Cake Bliss, produced locally by Hilda Osarogiagbon.
Osarogiagbon says the path to Cake Bliss and Shara’s Paperie was like one of a boomerang.
What’s the most popular participant sport in America? The numbers suggest running and walking.
More than 16,000 people signed up to participate in last weekend’s 2009 Komen Memphis-Midsouth Race for the Cure in Germantown. The St. Jude Memphis Marathon in December is at capacity with 3,500 participants in the marathon and a good chance of making the goal of 12,000 more in the FK and half marathon.
There are some lessons for backers of other sports vying for attention and funding in Memphis.

- Kallen Esperian
I’ve just heard from Theatre Memphis’ communications guru Randall Hartzog that Robert Glazier, the “Steinway artist” scheduled to play TM’s 90-Years Young party on Friday, November 6th has the flu and won’t be able to perform. But the show must go on, as they say and in lieu of Glazier playing Memphis’ very own diva Kallen Esperian will be SINGING selections from the Great American Songbook. 90-Years-Young runs from 6:30-9:30 and everybody who attends this $90 event gets a wrist band insuring complementary drinks throughout the evening. There will be dancing on Theatre Memphis’ main stage until midnight dontcha know, and everybody who comes to see Kallen gets into the second event free.
“Club 90”, is Theatre Memphis’ second birthday event starting at 9:30 p.m. on the Lohrey Stage. DJ Glenn Miller will spin contemporary dance tracks until the last stroke of twelve. There will be snacks and a cash bar. Admission is $25 at the door.
Theatre Memphis will also host a kids’ celebration with a performance at 2 p.m. of Rikki Tikki Tavi by ShoWagon on Saturday, November 7th, along with crafts, scavenger hunt, and birthday cake. Tickets to the kids’ event are $5 per person, but a family pack of six tickets can be purchased for $20. Call 682-8323 for reservations.
Anderton’s Away
I drove by Anderton’s yesterday on the off chance that there might still be some cool stuff to scavenge, and I have to admit, I almost drove right by it.
I’ve seen it a million times. I’ve driven past it a million times. In fact, my first wreck in Memphis happened right in front of it (someone rear-ended me, totally not my fault).
So how could I miss it?
Quite simply, because it was gone.
Shelter Shame
Bianca Phillips has more on the mess at the animal shelter.
Voting Machines: Round Two
Last week, Rich Holden argued that paper ballot machines were unnecessary. This week, the other side is heard from.