Intermission Impossible Theater

Who wants to be the next Nixon… and other audition notices

Tricky Dick

  • Tricky Dick

Here’s a cool opportunity for actors looking for meaty roles and the opportunity to play iconic historical characters. Playhouse on the Square is auditioning Peter Morgan’s gripping docudrama FROST/NIXON on November 14 In the theater’s new office building rehearsal room across from Playhouse on the Square behind the new Playhouse building which is currently under construction

FROST/NIXON, which was eventually developed as a film by director Ron Howard, is about a series of explosive interviews between British journalist David Frost and President Richard Nixon.

The theater is looking for 8 male actors, and 2 female actors, Ages 21 and Up. All roles are currently available. Guest director Rob Satterlee is asking for one prepared monologue of 2-minutes or less.

For more information, please contact Courtney Oliver via email at courtney@… or by phone, 901.725.0776.


Is “safe e-mail for students” nuts?


Memphis City Schools is going to start providing student e-mail accounts and message boards through a company called Gaggle.Net.

The first guinea pigs will be middle schoolers, notorious for their maturity, thick skins, concentration, and tech savvy. This is either (a) a green, paperless way to connect students and teachers with the conveniences of the Internet or (b) as crazy as giving each student a firearm, cell phone, squirt gun, an unlimited hall pass, and a six-pack of Coke.

Having no children in MCS, I don’t know. But I have heard of very rare occasions in which email and social networks have been used for non-serious purposes as well as a tiny number of accidents and technical glitches. I would like to hear from parents and teachers on such Gaggle.Net reassurances as “the teacher is in charge,” “safe, productive email for your students,” “easy for the teacher to control unwanted SPAM, pornographic mail, etc.”

Here are some more:

Intermission Impossible Theater

Bill Young Memorial

Tonight at Playhouse on the Square there will be a memorial service honoring the life of Memphis theater patron Mr. Bill Young. The service runs from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Food & Wine will be available.


City School in Session

Last spring, I took the Memphis Regional Design Center’s Design 101 class.

This “semester,” one of the sessions — happening tonight — is open to the public.

Richard Baron, co-founder and chaiman of McCormack Baron Salazar, will be speaking tonight as part of a panel discussion at CBU’s Buckman Hall from 5 – 7 p.m. The cost of the event is $10.

Other panelists include Rosalyn Willis of McCormack Baron Salazar, Archie Willis III from Community Capital, and Architecture Incorporated principal David Schuermann.

The panel will discuss McCormack Baron Salazar’s Hope VI projects across the country and in Memphis — including University Place and the still under construction Legends Park — and the company’s “efforts to rebuild urban neighborhoods in central cities that have deteriorated through decades of neglect and disinvestment. Mr. Baron will discuss how they strengthen neighborhood social structures in partnership with community organizations and how their emphasis on community building encourages socio-economic and physical revitalization.”


So Long, Anderton’s

Yes, it’s really gone.


Bianca Knows Best …

… and Helps Facilitate a Breakup.


Bianca Knows Best … And Helps Facilitate a Breakup

Dear Bianca,

I’ve been in a relationship with my partner for over 14 years, but the past year and a half hasn’t been the same. My partner knows we’re not on the same page anymore and has expressed concern and a willingness to fix our relationship. But I think at this point, I need to be single. I still love and care for him a lot, but the connection we once had is gone.

We’re 13 years apart in age, and I think that is starting to be a big issue. The fun we once had isn’t there anymore. He doesn’t enjoy or want to do the fun things I like doing with the few friends we see once in awhile. Instead, we spend nights at home without speaking to each other or talking about the weather and trying to have small talk. I hate to admit that I want to leave him, but I don’t think it’s fair to either of us to live like this. My question is, how does one break up with someone who has been nothing but great to them simply because you feel you’ve grown apart?

— Confused About the Future

Dear Confused,

If you feel a need to be single, and you don’t think counseling will help, then it’s time for you to be single. Plain and simple. Coming to that decision is not easy, but following through with a breakup will be much harder.

You’ll be tempted to put it off and try talk yourself out of a split. After all, 14 years is a long time, and it’s easy to get comfortable with familiar routines. If you still love your partner, you’ll also struggle with the pain you know a breakup will cause.

Excuse the cliche, but you really have to follow your heart. It sounds like you two have grown apart, and there’s usually no coming back from that. To make the break-up process easier, you can try gradually separating yourself. Start going out with friends, even when he’d rather stay at home. Pursue hobbies or interests that he isn’t into. These actions will hopefully hint to him that the relationship is coming to an end.

When you finally break the news that you’re moving on with your life, he may be more mentally prepared if he’s had a few weeks of such hints. But don’t drag the process out too long.
When you’re finally ready to do the deed, explain that you feel that you’ve grown apart. Tell him you love him, but you need to be single. Tell him you hope you can still be friends after the initial pain has subsided.

He may even thank you later for helping him move on with his life. It sounds like neither of you is happy with the status quo. Good luck!

Got a problem? E-mail Bianca @

Food & Drink Hungry Memphis

So Long, Anderton’s


The final vestiges of Anderton’s East — which closed New Year’s day 2006 — are being removed today.

Photo by Melissa Anderson Sweazy

Politics Politics Beat Blog

Avery Available as Fallback for Interim Mayor

Joyce Avery on the day of her swearing-in as acting county mayor

  • JB
  • Joyce Avery on the day of her swearing-in as acting county mayor

Up until last week the question of who would succeed acting mayor Joyce Avery at the helm of Shelby County government was confined to two prospects — county commissioners Joe Ford and J.W. Gibson, both Democrats.

Then Republican commissioner George Flinn formally applied as a candidate. Other candidates, including businessman/activist Anthony Tate, have also applied.

The latest possibility to succeed Avery is Avery herself. The acting mayor, a Republican, said Tuesday she had been encouraged by “numerous” women and by two Democratic colleagues on the commission to become a candidate for the interim job, which would extend until the election of a new mayor in August. Avery said she would make herserlf available in case of a stalemate on early ballots of Monday’s formal voting by the commission for an interim mayor. (Democratic commissioner Steve Mulroy is another fallback possibility.)

“I’m enjoying the job,” said Avery, who said she would not run in the regular election, however.

After conducting interviews with candidates on Wednesday, the commission will elect an interim mayor at its regular Monday meeting.


Midtown Farmer’s Market Opens

Susan Ellis and Pam Denney have a report on the new Midtown Farmer’s Market.