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Black Queer Men Share the Reality of Dating in the South

Hook-up culture has been praised in recent years, as many say it seeks to empower those who choose to be intimate without the perils of commitment. Dating apps have made it easier for those seeking these types of relationships; however, this idea has also caused for Black queer men to steer clear of these apps.

Joshua Knight, a 29-year-old Black gay man, said that sex is important, but it isn’t everything. He said that he feels that it’s a common thing that people want, but Knight craves a more meaningful and intimate connection.

Dating apps may seem appealing, as they seek to make the process of finding prospects quicker and more accessible. However, these apps can also can provide a number of challenges that make dating in marginalized communities more difficult to navigate.

Most of these apps rely heavily on photos to appeal to prospective partners. According to Knight, this can be detrimental, as many are criticized and put at a disadvantage for the way they present themselves. In Knight’s opinion, this inclination towards more masculine-presenting people is halting progress in the Black queer community.

“It seems like we will never progress because almost every gay guy has this vision of their partner being masculine, when in reality we all are gay,” said Knight. “They paint this image that there isn’t supposed to be femine gays and that’s what’s dividing us. It’s annoying.”

This theme is not just germane to Knight, as many have reported this idea as something they’ve encountered on dating apps.

Keveon Beavers, a 21-year-old Black gay man, said that he has “entertained dating apps,” but for the most part he doesn’t necessarily like them. He said that looks play a major role in the success of these apps, and that they serve as more of an ego booster, as opposed to an outlet to find true love.

“It’s just straight up misogynistic,” Beavers said. “You know, people have internalized homophobia.”

According to Beavers, he doesn’t always present “masculine.” Beavers said that in some of his features he takes after his mother, but he said this can also boil down to the way that he poses and “existing for his own comfort.”

Beavers said he is more inclined to meeting people organically. However, he said that being located in the South makes it harder to find openly queer people.

He said that he has found success in some spaces to do that. Beavers recently lived in Starkville, Mississippi, and in DeSoto County, where he said there seemed to be a more accepting and open dialogue.

However, he also said that just because there are two openly queer people in the same proximity does not guarantee that they are a perfect match for each other.

“Just because we’re gay doesn’t mean that we’re a pair for each other,” Beavers said.

Knight also said that for Black queer men specifically, it seems as if there are a number of “internal wars” that make it hard for them to date one another.

When it comes to navigating the dating scene as a Black queer man, Beavers said he doesn’t navigate it actually. He said that instead of bringing a chair to a table that he’s not welcomed at, he chooses to create his own table where he can bring others along with him, so that he does not have to worry about “maneuvering through different types of situations.”

“I shouldn’t have to always second guess myself in a space where I feel like I should be safe,” said Beavers. 

It can be difficult being a minority in a space that seems to profit heavily off of the culture of a marginalized community such as Black queer people. According to Beavers, those in the majority seem to leech off of lingo, fashion, and culture of their community, yet no one seems to want to share in the struggles and realities that they face.

“It’s one thing to be a Black person in America, but it’s another thing to be a Black queer person in America,” Beavers said. “That’s a whole nother subset, a whole nother different battle that we have to endure.”

It may seem as if those in marginalized communities would have support from others in their group, however Beavers said that this is not always the case. According to Beavers, down-low (DL) men would not be as “rampant” in the Black queer community if society was ready to have a conversation about not only Black men’s contributions to this culture, but Black women’s as well.

NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists, defines “DL” as an “abbreviation for down low, which refers to men who secretly have sex with men.” This term was originally coined by Black men in the 1990’s.

“A lot of DL men are not worried about Black men’s opinions,” said Beavers. “More than likely, it’s Black women’s opinions. That’s what hurts the most.”

Beaver said that as Black women are another marginalized community, it would seem as if they would know what it is like to be on the “opposite side of the stick.” However, they can sometimes perpetuate homophobia, which, he said, stings the worst.

“It is expected that Black men to you know, cis-Black men are going to be cis-Black men,” Beaver said. “They’re the white men of the Black community. They want to be close to power. But, with this in particular, I would have to give this stick to Black women, in not saying ‘enough is enough’ and sticking by traditions and all these different things because they are so used to the patriarchy.”

While there seem to be a number of obstacles that Black queer men face, this does not signify the end of commitment for them. In fact, Beavers still remains optimistic as he knows that there is someone out there for him.

“I’m a very acquired taste, and not everybody’s going to like me. Not everybody is going to want me,” Beaver said. “I just know that by existing, I am going to catch somebody’s eye, and not have to do anything that is out of the ordinary to catch somebody’s eye.”

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Sweet Cheeks Works to ‘Reduce Poverty by Ending Diaper Need’

For families living in poverty, the reality of having a newborn sometimes comes with hard decisions such as having to choose among putting food on the table, paying rent, or buying diapers.

According to Cori Smith, founder and executive director of the Sweet Cheeks Diaper Ministry, many families will opt for food and rent, leaving them to use items such as t-shirts  or towels in place of diapers or leaving the child in diapers for longer than needed.

Sweet Cheeks, which was started in 2014, was born out of Smith’s personal experience. Smith said that during her first pregnancy she became very sick to the point that she couldn’t work, which resulted in her losing her job shortly before giving birth. Her husband was then laid off shortly after Smith had her baby.

Luckily the Smiths had family helping them out, but they also relied on social services such as food banks. Smith said these services were able to help them out with pretty much everything except for diapers.

“There was not a single organization in the city, at that time, that was providing diapers for families,” Smith said.

Once Smith got back to working and on her feet, she began to lay the groundwork for Sweet Cheeks. Smith said they initially started to do diaper drives once a year, where they would donate diapers to the agencies that did not have them. However, in 2018, Smith said she would receive constant phone calls from families inquiring about diapers.

“So maybe this is something that I need to do all the time instead of once or twice a year,” said Smith. “So in 2018, we got our 501(c)(3), and we’ve been going non-stop since.”

The mission of Sweet Cheeks is to “reduce poverty by ending diaper need,” which Smith said goes back to impoverished families having to make hard decisions when it comes to taking care of a newborn and other necessities.

“For families that are living in poverty, they often have to choose, with what little income they have, they have to make a choice on what their money is going to be spent on. Whether it’s rent, groceries, transportation, medical, and then when you have a baby it’s baby supplies,” said Smith. “Oftentimes, diapers are the choice they don’t choose,” said Smith.

Smith said that since most of these families cannot afford diapers, they also cannot send their child to daycare, since you must send diapers with your child. This means that most families cannot work or go to school, and Smith said this causes the cycle of poverty to continue.

“That’s where we step in,” said Smith. “If we can alleviate some of that burden of providing those basic essentials for the child, then you can use that money to pay rent or send your child to daycare so you can go to work.”

While Smith and her team give out diapers through diaper distribution drives, they also donate period supplies for school-age girls, women, and anyone who menstruates.

According to Smith, one in four girls report that they miss school due to not having period supplies. Through 901 Period, a program of Sweet Cheeks Diaper Ministry, Smith and her team make sure to provide monthly supplies to those in need, while also working with certain schools to make sure their supply closets are stocked with pads and other feminine products. Adults can also reach out to Sweet Cheeks for adult diapers as well.

Smith said they do not ask those seeking help for income or ask for them to “jump through hoops,” just to receive help.

“If someone is already struggling, you don’t want to make them feel worse,” said Smith.

Sweet Cheeks not only services Tennessee, but also Mississippi and Arkansas. According to Smith, they are sometimes the closest resource for families, especially those living in rural areas. Smith also said that some of those counties are not being served whatsoever. 

“Because there aren’t those resources for them to go to, we are their one-stop-shop for those items,” said Smith. “Even those families who get food stamps — you can’t buy diapers with that.”

Smith said that they have close to 300 to 400 families that reach out to them each month, which proves that the need is there.

“If I didn’t think there was a need, I wouldn’t do it,” said Smith. “Going on 10 years, I would have hoped by now that we would have had something else for the families, but right now there isn’t.  So that’s what keeps us going, because our government, our state, our cities — they’re not helping us provide these items for these families. So it’s up to us.”

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ACLU Of TN and TN Equality Project Discuss Future of Trans Healthcare for Minors

For 2023, the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee (ACLU-TN) and Tennessee Equality Project (TEP) expect bans on hormones and surgeries for minors, forced outing and mandatory reporting, gender affirming care being defined as child abuse, religious exemptions for counselors, and doctors being criminalized for professional misconduct.

The ACLU-TN and TEP made this prediction during a presentation titled “The Reality of Trans Healthcare in Tennessee: A Conversation With Trans Advocates,” on Friday, October 21, 2022.

Advocates joined together to not only give an overview of the state of trans healthcare in Tennessee, but to inform attendees on the process of receiving care for youth, potential obstacles, and different forms of care. 

This session comes after it was announced that Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which Dulce Torres Guzman of Tennessee Lookout said was a “leader in transgender healthcare,” would be temporarily stopping gender affirming surgeries for minors.

According to the ACLU-TN and TEP, Tennessee law currently allows for families to access gender-affirming healthcare for youth. It is also legal for medical providers to provide this care to youth. The ACLU-TN said that if lawmakers try to pass legislation that violates the rights of trans people, their plan of attack is to “fight it in the legislature.”

“As the ACLU-TN of Tennessee and as the Tennessee Equality Project we are sworn and heavily dedicated to access to gender affirming care for youth,” said Henry Seaton, ACLU-TN’s first-ever trans justice advocate.

In 2022 SB 657/HB 578 was withdrawn, which according to the ACLU-TN “prohibited any sort of intervention for gender identity, or any gender affirming care for prepubescent minors and minors in general. It also would have punished violations as “child abuse.”

SB 2360/HB 2451 failed, which required parents to have access to information in their child’s school such as teacher names, book titles in the library, and curriculum. It also would have prohibited healthcare providers to give treatment to minors without parental consent.

The ACLU-TN also said that SB2696/HB 2835 was placed in a general subcommittee and encompasses a number of policies that touch on gender affirming care, the usage of state funds to “prepare a minor for treatment, the ability of school staff to “out” a student to their parents, and more.

According to advocates from the ACLU-TN and TEP, the process for minors to receive care is extensive, and is “influenced largely by access to education, care, and safe support systems.” Advocates said that there is a lot that needs to be done before a child can receive care due to a number of obstacles. 

Some of these obstacles include families not having the education that they need or not having a safe support system.

The TEP said that the most common form of care is social assistance, which involves educating parents so that the child can start socially transitioning at school, home, and with their friends. After this, a child may start Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) after the “appropriate stages of development, but never before puberty.”

If gender dysphoria still poses a threat to the “biopsychosocial safety of the youth,” then surgery will be allowed. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defines gender dysphoria as “psychological distress that results from an incongruence between one’s sex assigned at birth and one’s gender identity.”

Surgery is only considered after a series of mental and physical health evaluations, and familial counseling. TEP also said that genital surgery does not occur before the age of 18.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to the reasons why healthcare providers opt to not delay care to minors. TEP said that there are increased risks in suicide, self-harm, and mental illness. TEP also said that kids who were able to transition as youth contributed to a 73% decrease in suicidal behavior and ideation in the first six months.

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A Natural Affair Beauty Lounge Partners with MSCS

A Natural Affair Beauty Lounge, located at 2869 Poplar Avenue in Memphis and at 1250 North Germantown Parkway in Cordova, recently became the first salon to become a signature partner with Memphis Shelby County Schools’ College, Career, and Technical Education cosmetology program.

Takeisha Berry Brooks, the owner of A Natural Affair, said that a path was created so that her student and stylist, Alicia, could obtain work study. This means that Alicia would attend school during the day, and after her classes she would go to the salon to not only work, but to obtain her cosmetology license while in high school.

Takeisha’s student, Alicia.

Brooks prides herself on being able to give young stylists a place to start. She has been offering apprenticeship programs at her salon even prior to becoming a signature program. 

According to Phil Dotson, partnership director of the division of college, career, and technical education for MSCS, it’s through partnership programs that MSCS is able to connect students and their coursework to companies in the community.

“Our kids have to be able to see the careers that are in their backyard, their communities, so that they can make that choice that they know what they want to do when they leave school,” he said.

There are two models of the partnership program. Dotson explained that the community partner program is the Adopt-A-School model, meaning that companies can partner with one specific school to “give kids what they need and to provide supportive services to the school.” Dotson said that the signature partnership program is what they “like to hang their hat on.”

Dotson said MSCS works to ensure that they are offering the right type of certifications, ones that will “make students more attractive candidates when they interview for jobs.” He added that there are more than 40 academic pathways, which gives partners the opportunity to introduce these pathways in real life.

Brooks is a graduate of Kingsbury High School, and was in the school’s cosmetology program. She said without that that foundation, she wouldn’t be where she is today. “This opportunity to partner is just a full circle moment, because I feel like I was chosen to show that vocational works in high school.”

“It’s a tight ship,” said Brooks. “To know that every day that I impact lives, and that they come to A Natural Affair to survive and have the confidence to say ‘Hey I can do this,’and to watch these girls get houses, go from driving raggedy to cars to brand new cars, and to see these girls moving up in life because of something I’ve established. My mind is blown.”

Brooks also focuses on teaching her students the business side of cosmetology. “They have to have some sense of direction when it comes to how money is dispersed,” she said.

“It teaches them how to create a work-life balance,” said Brooks. “Whether they’re single or have families, it creates a system, gives them some type of stability. That way when they do go out on their own, I hope that they continue to practice what they’ve learned at A Natural Affair.”

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Neighbors Continue to Voice Concern Over Audubon Park Renovations at Community Engagement Forum

Tempers flared between neighbors of Audubon Park and representatives from Memphis Parks during a community engagement forum on Wednesday at the Memphis Botanic Garden.

After neighbors of Audubon Park voiced their concerns and complaints regarding proposed renovations to Audubon Park, Memphis Parks director Nick Walker held the “Audubon Park Project” community engagement forum Wednesday.

In September of 2022, the Flyer reported that Memphis Parks department had released design renderings of the Links at Audubon Park. Angela Link, a representative of the group “Saving Audubon Park,” said that the renderings released earlier this year failed to acknowledge that the renovations will eliminate public use of green spaces by the lake at Audubon Park.

The mayor’s office told the Flyer that “the golf course design portion of Audubon Park in question has yet to be finalized. … Memphis Parks will be seeking public input in an upcoming community engagement forum.”

“It’s very, very, very, very, very important for us at Memphis Parks to hear from you, to get your feedback,” said Adrianna Moore, community engagement administrator of Memphis Parks.

“I also believe in transparency,” Moore continued. “We dropped the ball. Right? We did. We dropped the ball, and so we wanted to right our wrongs and acknowledge the fact that we did not get out information the way we should have gotten information out.”

In an effort to “right their wrongs,” Walker led a presentation to address citizen questions and concerns, view renderings, and discuss golf course renovations. Walker also set aside time for questions at the end.

While Walker provided a detailed presentation that worked to address questions and concerns that neighbors routinely raised, tensions began to rise as neighbors still felt that their concerns had not been addressed properly.

“Mr. Walker, [in] the presentation to the parks committee of City Council on September 13th, you characterized the renovation of Audubon and I’ll quote ‘a similar rescale and redo of the golf course as we just did with Pine Hill,’” Link said during the presentation Wednesday evening. “But what you failed to tell the councilpersons that were getting ready to vote, was that they were also voting for the destruction of all the green space at the east end of the park — the last natural, public space with a lake in East Memphis.

“Had they been given that information, I imagine they might have asked some questions like, ‘Have you talked to the public that uses the park and [gotten] their input?’”

As Link continued to raise the concerns of the neighbors, many citizens and homeowners began to voice their support of Link. However, as support grew more vocal, Walker urged citizens to wait until the question and answer portion to voice their concerns. 

Some citizens voiced their support of the expansion with one citizen stating that “the city is to be commended for forward thinking.”

“If the city does not make the improvements and amenities necessary for the entire public, then they will run the risk of losing population, tax revenue, and all sorts of things,” said another citizen. “I do not think that there is a significant amount of this park that is going to be lost to the golf course.”

“So, I can bring my dog over there to play golf?” Cathy Minch asked in response to this.

While there were some that were in favor of the expansion and used this time to voice that, there were still a number of neighbors who used this space to voice their disapproval, with many offering their own solutions.

“The only thing that we’re mad about are those eight acres,” an attendee said.

“If you’re so talented, y’all can figure out those eight acres without ruining … it’s like Norman Rockwell of parks,” another homeowner said during the meeting. “You have little Hispanic kids, Asian kids, Black kids, and white kids. They’re playing all the time in that field. You’re taking away the area where they’re playing. Give us our park back. That eight acres is all it’s about. Figure it out. Give us our eight acres, and do what you want.”

Walker mentioned that the start date for these renovations would be in the winter. While he provided a space for the public to voice their concerns and grievances, he did state that he did not want to “mislead you into thinking that it is our intention to do a wholesale change on this.

“However that being said, if we were coming here tonight without the hope to have an open discourse, that would be disingenuous,” Walker continued. “We’re not here because we have to be. We’re here because we want to be.”

According to Walker, the final decision will be based on a conversation between himself, the administration, and Memphis City Council. Walker also said that the funding has already been appropriated and approved, and that the project has already been scheduled. He also said that the final decision ultimately rests with him.

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Fighting the ‘Right Wing Apparatus’

Kids invented drag. 

This is Moth Moth Moth’s (Mothie for short) response to an argument that seems to be at the top of Tennessee news feeds for the past few weeks. “Are drag shows appropriate for younger audiences?”

According to Mothie, it’s a stupid argument. 

“Watch your kids as they play. What do they play? They play dress up.”

“Queer people get to be in charge of our sexuality,” says Mothie. “But that does not mean that straight people and the rest of the world get to constantly sexualize us in all that we do.”

In between balancing a nine-to-five job as the program director of the Focus Center Foundation and performing drag shows throughout the week (you can catch Mothie at Black Lodge’s Rainbow Rumble), Mothie and others have been “refighting a fight” against the “right wing apparatus.”

“I think that there is some like algorithmic, like internet demonic magic, that is going on that is systematically shutting out queer people in our art and our views and our expressions.”

On September 23rd, a family-friendly drag show at the Museum of Science and History (MoSH) was scheduled as the ending celebration of the Summer Pride programming at the museum. However, the event was canceled by event organizers after a group of armed Proud Boys arrived at the event.

Drag shows are no new phenomenon, especially in Memphis. In fact, the landscape has changed drastically in the last 20 years. 

Keleigh Klarke is the entertainment director of Dru’s Place (Dru’s Bar), producer of “Beauties on Beale” drag brunch at the Hard Rock Cafe in Memphis, and the host of the Around the Pink Table podcast. He moved to Memphis in the early 2000s and remembers the days where there were only three to four venues that had drag shows.

Keleigh Klarke (Credit: Keleigh Klarke)

Klarke says that as drag became more “mainstream,” it found its way into more spaces, presenting opportunities for performers to perform in other venues. This even extended itself into places such as the Hard Rock Cafe, allowing for drag shows to take place outside of LGBTQ+ bars. Klarke refers to them as “straight bars” and “straight establishments.”

Mothie and Klarke both say that drag has been around for years in the media, whether it was used for comedic relief, or through John Travolta’s show stopping performance in Hairspray

Mothie explains that much of the media that children consume such as Mrs. Doubtfire and Tyler Perry’s Madea even contain the same elements of drag that opponents have used to fuel the fight.

While these forms of media have always existed, shows like RuPaul’s Drag Race and social media platforms like TikTok and YouTube have exposed more people to the art and nuances of drag. 

Mothie explains that the demographics for drag are changing drastically. They explain that it’s not an art that is solely reserved for adults, but that the age range now includes 14-22 year olds. With this in mind, Mothie believes that younger audiences deserve to have a “piece of this culture.”

Exposure to material like this can be beneficial for children, says Mothie. They that there are queer and transgender children in the world, and they are going to be “queer and trans whether I’m around or not. That’s just the way that they are.”

With more exposure, though, comes the opportunity for misinformation and harmful stereotypes that contribute negatively to the conversation.

“Drag for me is not about anything of a sexual nature, or anything to do with my sexual identity,” says Klarke. “Drag for me is all about my expression of that character that I play. It is an expression of my feminine side, but there’s nothing of a sexual nature attached to it.”

For Klarke, the character that they play is just an elevation of their personality. However, it’s not 100 percent them. He sees no difference between drag and seeing someone play a character in a play. It’s the same thing essentially, but in a different format and in a different setting.

“Every entertainer I’ve worked with is smart enough to, you know, understand what they are doing,” he adds.

Every other Sunday, Klarke and others perform at the Hard Rock Cafe for a show that is catered to all ages. 

“There’s not anything done at that show that is a fraction spicier than the Hokey Pokey,” he says. “What I would do in a nightclub at 10:30, 11, 12 o’clock at night is not what I am going to do at noon on a Sunday, in the middle of the day, when there are children sitting in front of me.”

According to Klarke, the idea that it is an individual right to police others is somewhat of a national issue. He explains that performers have the agency and intelligence to be able to navigate what’s appropriate for certain venues and audiences, however the power of exposure essentially lies in the hands of the parents.

“We’re all intelligent enough to know that and what we’re getting into. But at the same time, if you don’t want your kids to see it, there’s nobody telling you that you have to go.”

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Tennessee Faith Leaders Voice Support For Proposed Constitutional Amendment 3

Faith leaders from the state of Tennessee voiced support for Tennessee’s proposed Constitutional Amendment 3 during a Yes On 3 news conference Tuesday.

On the November 8th state and federal general election ballot, Tennessee voters will see four proposed amendments. These will be presented as yes or no questions, according to the Secretary of State’s office.

Constitutional Amendment 3 would ​​change the part of the Tennessee Constitution, which says that “slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a person who has been duly convicted of crime, are forever prohibited in this State.” The amendment would delete this current language and replace it with: “Slavery and involuntary servitude are forever prohibited. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an inmate from working when the inmate has been duly convicted of a crime.”

Many were shocked that this language still existed in the Tennessee Constitution. Rev. Kenneth Saunders of St. James Episcopal Church in Greeneville, Tennessee said he was not “knowledgeable of the language of the Constitution, and that it contained such an exception clause,” and that he was “struck” that this language even existed.

According to the Yes On 3 campaign, this amendment passed as a Senate joint resolution in 2019 and 2021. In 2019, SJR0159 was sponsored by state Sen. Raumesh Akbari (D-Memphis), approved by the state Senate on March 25, 2019, and approved by the state House on April 22nd, 2019. The companion resolution, SJR0080, was approved by the state Senate on March 15th, 2021, and by the state House on May 4, 2021.

The Tennessee-Western Kentucky annual conference of the United Methodist Church also passed a resolution on Amendment 3 on June 16th, 2022, by a vote of 712-70.

The Yes On 3 campaign describes slavery as a “deep, moral wrong, and a violation of our best values, and a stain on our state and its history.” The campaign also states that “no person should ever be enslaved or treated as a slave for any reason.”

Rev. Jeannie Alexander of Earthfire Abbey in Old Hickory, Tennessee said that the Constitution serves as not only a legal document, but a moral document and that as clergy, the only moral response to slavery is the “abolition of slavery.”

“We’re not just going to make history on November 8th,” Alexander said. “We’re going to change lives.”

According to Alexander, this language still allows for slavery to be a “punishment for the commission of a crime.”

“While someone may be socially segregated, someone may be a prisoner, by God no one should be a slave,” said Alexander.

Rev. Daryll Henry Coleman of Lane Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal (CME) Church serves as a professor at Lane College, where he teaches a class on the history of the Black church. Coleman states he deals with issues in the Constitution, and slavery still being included represents a “dehumanization, a devaluation of personage and people.”

Coleman also represents the African American Clergy Collective of Tennessee which stands to be the “historical, prophetic voice of the African American church.”

While there is much debate about mixing politics and religion together, Saunders said that this is not a political issue, but rather a “moral issue.”

“We don’t check our Christian ethics at the door when we go to the polls,” said Saunders. “We take who we are as baptized persons, embodying a people of faith to the voting ballot. It’s a call to do right by saying that slavery no longer exists. People don’t have the right to own each other, and it’s a value statement on how we are as people of God.”

Bishop Brian Cole from the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee (Knoxville) said that this will give Tennessee the ability to “right a historical wrong.” By doing this, Cole said this will give Tennessee the opportunity to acknowledge its history of racism, while actively working towards efforts around racism and to “be more of who God has called us to be.”

“Whenever we baptize, we invite folks to see Christ in all persons, and to also respect the dignity of every living person and every human,” Cole said. “For us, this is an easy, but really important way to do so. We say it’s easy, but these documents matter.”

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The Anti Gentrification Coffee Club

There are four horsemen of the gentrification apocalypse.

According to Maurice Henderson II (the founder of CxffeeBlack better known by his pen name, Bartholomew Jones), craft breweries, ladies walking their poodles, Whole Foods, and coffee shops are markers to the “gentrification population” that a community is ripe for harvesting.

For Henderson and his wife, Renata Henderson (Memphis’ first Black female coffee roaster), there’s irony in this. Coffee’s origins can be traced back to Africa, and according to Henderson, it’s the “traditional African medicine” for Southern Ethiopia, Sudan, Eritrea, and Djibouti.

“Coffee is such an amazing ritual in the motherland, but that’s not the perspective we generally see in shops that come into our neighborhoods,” says Henderson. “In fact, somehow there are spaces that are almost anti-Black. Even though coffee is literally black, and historically Black.”

Henderson dives into the history of how coffee was made into a million-dollar industry through the slave trade in Brazil, Haiti, Latin and Central America, and the Caribbean, and that West African slaves were used to grow coffee into the industry that it is today. 

The irony intensifies for the couple, as they ponder how something that is historically Black, discovered by Black people, grown by Black people across the world, becomes uncommon or even “unexpected” to see Black people work with, or even be in ownership roles. Especially when these coffee shops are in Black and brown neighborhoods.

“You have these shops that are in these neighborhoods, but you don’t see anyone from the neighborhood in the shop,” says Henderson.

The Hendersons noticed that their neighborhood would be gentrified soon — the city planned on putting money into the intersection at Summer Avenue and National Street — and wanted to see what it would be like for their neighborhood to have their own coffee shop before the “gentrifiers come in.”

“It’s weird,” says Henderson. “Our neighborhood has the best Latin American food in the city — like, I will fight people about that — and yet a Chipotle just got built on Summer in our neighborhood.

“What if we created a place for us, by us? What would that look like? Could we return coffee to a tool that is actually empowering for Black and brown people, and something that supports our neighborhood? That was the experiment we started,” says Henderson.

The experiment in question manifested itself into the Anti Gentrification Coffee Club, located at 761 National Street. According to Henderson, the experiment turned into a hub for local creatives, those living in boarding houses, and local activists.

The Hendersons hired people from their community, and people who come in and fall in love with the shop. They aspired to make a safe space for their neighbors to enjoy “culturally congruent” coffee experiences.

With community playing such a large role in the Henderson’s reason for creating their coffee shop, it would seem inevitable that they valued input from the community. However, in listening to input, they recently did something that they had tried to avoid.

On the morning of October 5th, 2022, The Anti Gentrification Coffee Club opened its doors much earlier than usual at 7:30 a.m. This new opening time allowed for those on their early-morning commute to stop by and grab coffee.

Henderson’s perspective is shaped from his experiences as an educator, an indie-rapper, and a part-time barista. He says that his least favorite interactions were during early-morning shifts, where he experienced frequent micro-aggressions.

“It’s almost like ‘man, you’re not even a human being,’ when you have your stereotypical experience with someone at a coffee shop,” says Henderson.” They’re behind the bar, and people assume you don’t know what you do because you’re Black. They think people want what they want. It’s a very individualistic experience, which is so different from coffee in Africa.”

The Hendersons have been to Ethiopia twice, and even talked about their experiences in a documentary, CxffeeBlack to Africa, that will be shown at the Indie Memphis Film Festival. The defining difference between coffee in Ethiopia and what they have experienced in the states is that coffee in Ethiopia is “communal.”

“Things are slow,” explains Henderson. “They do these three processes called Abole, Tona, and Bereka, where you have these really small cups called ‘Sinis,’ and you get three cups. There’s no going into traditional African spaces and getting a big cup of coffee to go.”

Henderson explains that in Ethiopia, this process is led by Black women, where the coffee is roasted fresh, prepared, and then served. 

“There’s a traditional Ethiopian blessing that is said when you receive it,” says Henderson. “Buna fi Nagaa hin Dhabiinaa, which means ‘May your house lack no coffee nor peace.’ They wish peace upon you and your family. You sip the coffee, say ‘amen’ in response. You’re doing that with a group of other people who are sitting there, and waiting on coffee to be prepared for you by these Black women.”

Centering Black women as the planet’s first baristas, and coffee roasters, is something that Henderson and his team try to do, and is something that he says is “uncommon in a space.” Creating space for community and creating space for people to “slow down” is antithetical to an early rush experience at Starbucks, he says.

It’s a very transactional experience, Henderson adds. In fact, this is why they chose to not open early in the beginning, so that they could avoid contributing to these types of interactions with coffee in their neighborhood. Henderson says they would rather create a space where people expect a different type of coffee experience. They sought to have a more Black, a more African, a more indigenous perspective, and for these reasons, they opted to not open early.

Henderson says that they don’t hire traditional baristas. Instead, they hire people from their community. In hiring people from their community, they would bring the problems of the community with them.

“Transportation is an infrastructure issue in our city,” Henderson says. “Opening later allowed us to still hire the people we wanted to hire. If we say ‘you have to have a car,’ then there’s a lot of people in our neighborhood who would be left out of that.”

The Hendersons had periodically experimented with early openings, but they concluded that it was more “human forward, and human friendly,” for them to be open late.

According to Henderson, your traditional coffee shop is going to make money by getting as many people through their doors as possible. He says that through this, the people that are prioritized are wealthy patrons, or patrons that are “upper-middle class.” Coffee at his shop is pay-what-you-can with suggested prices, but “it’s free for neighbors who need it.”

“Most people have coffee as a morning routine, so your general coffee shop will have a business model where you’re really expecting to get a bulk of your revenue in that morning rush, from people who are driving to your space because of some type of brand you’ve been able to generate,” says Henderson.

“You think about these shops that open up in Black and brown neighborhoods. How are they able to get people from Germantown and Cordova to drive there early in the morning for their coffee?”

The answer, according to Henderson, is by creating some type of “chic” or “urban-chic mystique” that makes their coffee seem different from what they can get at the gas station or Starbucks. A lot of this is by using the aesthetic of poverty to market a shop as something that is “urban,” which in turn makes your coffee and shop “desirable to people who are looking for a cool ‘coffee experience.’”

“We know that Blackness is generally the arbiter of cool,” says Henderson. “So by being in proximity to Blackness, your shop obviously becomes cool.”

Henderson says that the issue with this is that there is no actual care for the Black people in these neighborhoods. He says that the aesthetic and sexiness that comes from the sense of “Oh, this is dangerous. I’m driving through an urban community. Oh, this is cool, this is artistic,” is being used to drive sales, but the people in these communities are not being considered as possible customers.

“There’s a myth that Black people don’t drink coffee,” says Henderson. “Through our e-commerce store, we’ve been able to build a multiple, six-figure business just from selling coffee to Black folks online. You know, the roasted coffee that my wife roasts. So obviously, this isn’t true.”

Henderson says that a lot of times, there’s a certain type of coffee, one that differs from Folgers, but is rather a more “craft coffee experience,” that many Black people have not been introduced to.

“We wanted to see what it would look like for us to make a coffee experience that would allow for people to taste these really exotic coffees from all over the world, coffees that come from our motherlands, but in a way that is conducive for Black culture to thrive, and not have assimilate,” he says.