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MEMernet: Marsha Dragged and Save Black Lodge Video

Marsha’s Turnaround

The internet dragged Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn last week. George Takei (yes, that one) summed it up in a tweet that said, “How it started, how it’s going, etc.”

Takei showed two tweets from Blackburn. In one from October 2020, she blasted then-presidential-candidate Joe Biden for being “all talk and no action.” In another from last week, she blasted Biden for his many and quick actions as president saying, “30 executive orders and actions signed in only three days’ time. @POTUS, you can’t govern with a pen and a phone.”

In a response, Jaime Harrison, current chairman of the Democratic National Committee, tweeted at Blackburn saying “you’ve been in Congress for almost 20 years. You have only sponsored three bills that have become law: two were to rename post offices and the other to study a battlefield.”

Save Black Lodge

Owners of Black Lodge video store launched an Indiegogo this month to “pay our rent until we can get to the other side of COVID.

“Right now we’re making enough to pay our employees and almost all of our other bills, but rent is what’s killing us,” reads the site. As of press time, the store had earned $9,233 of its $25,000 goal.