The Lost Boys leads off the Shocktober Time Warp Drive-In
For the last five years, the October edition of the Time Warp Drive-In has been the most popular. It’s horror movie season after all, and the Warp crew knows what you want.
This year’s ghoulish festivities kick off with a choice slice of ’80s cheese. The Lost Boys made stars of Kiefer Sutherland (who delivers the immortal line “Maggots, Michael. You’re eating maggots. How do they taste?”); Corey Haim and Corey Feldman (collectively known from that moment on as “They Coreys”); and Jason Patric. Joel Shumacher’s best film also features a cameo by Tim Copello, aka Saxophone Guy from Tina Turner videos, whose oiled physique and powerful mullet make him the most pure avatar of the Reagan Era.
Shocktober V Gets Scary At The Time Warp Drive-In
The next film continues the theme of secret suburban vampires. The directorial debut of writer/director/actor triple threat Tom Holland, Fright Night is set in the then-present-day of 1985, but it has a charming classic Hammer horror quality to it. It features Chris Sarandon as Jerry Dandridge, mild-mannered mom-dater by day, bloodsucking freak by night. Or something like that. Fright Night is one of those cult horror films that actually deserves its cult.
Shocktober V Gets Scary At The Time Warp Drive-In (2)
Then the vamp action moves from the ‘burbs to the city. Tony Scott’s illustrious directing career began in 1983 with a bang. The Hunger stars the super-sexy pairing of Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie as vampire lovers on the prowl in New York City, and Susan Sarandon as their next snack. Check out this trailer, which uses “perverse” as a selling point.
Shocktober V Gets Scary At The Time Warp Drive-In (3)
The final Shocktober film takes its vampires to a rural setting. Near Dark was the second film from director Katherine Bigelow, who would later go on to become the first woman to win a Best Director Academy Award. It was a flop upon release, but has been elevated to cult status by horror cinephiles for its sheer inventiveness. Is this the first appearance of the “vampires move around in the day time in blacked out automobiles” trope that Buffy The Vampire Slayer loved so much?
Shocktober V Gets Scary At The Time Warp Drive-In (4)
The Time Warp Drive-In starts at sundown on Saturday, October 20 at the Malco Summer Drive-In.