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Time Warp Drive-In: Cartoon-A-Palooza

September sees two Time Warp Drive-Ins. The first, happening this Saturday at the Summer Drive-In, is the Cartoon-A-Palooza.

We are living in a golden age of animation. Once relegated to the kiddy pool, now animation is accepted as a fully adult medium Most of the great works of animation, such as Chuck Jones 1938-62 work for Warner Brothers, was aimed at both the juvenile and adult audiences, but it was taboo for a grown up to admit they liked cartoons. Nowadays, it’s cool for old and young alike to be Pixar fans, but if you had to point at the moment when the tide turned, it would be 1988’s Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Time Warp Drive-In: Cartoon-A-Palooza

Between filming Back To The Future and its two sequels, director Robert Zemeckis loosely adapted a 1981 genre mashup novel called Who Censored Roger Rabbit? The amount of negotiation it took to put so many different company’s characters in one film is staggering to contemplate. Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse, to cite just one example, had to have exactly the same amount of screen time. But it was worth the hassle, because Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Has held up incredibly well. Its seamless blending of animation and live action has proven to be a blueprint for how special effects movies are made in the CGI era. But most importantly, it’s just plain fun for everyone.

Time Warp Drive-In: Cartoon-A-Palooza (2)

On the internet, Space Jam is remembered for its website, which has been online and unchanged for 19 years. It’s a family friendly marraige of live action and animation in the Roger Rabbit vein. It’s notable for being Michael Jordon’s only big screen acting role, and the highest-grossing basketball movie of all time.

Time Warp Drive-In: Cartoon-A-Palooza (3)

Like Space Jam, Heavy Metal was also the brainchild of producer Ivan Reitman. But that’s where the similarities end. Although it came out in 1981, it can be seen as the last gasp of 70s psychedelia. And it’s definitely not made for kids. The anthology of stories adapted from the British comic magazine whose name it shares are a unique blend of sci fi, fantasy, raunch, and drug humor. It’s a little uneven, because each segment was produced by different animators, and the years have applied a layer of cheeseiness. Bit it has survived as a cult classic, and I have to admit I’ll watch it every chance I get.

The final film of the evening is Fritz The Cat. The legendary counterculture film launched the career of Ralph Bashki, and raised the public profile of cartoonist R. Crumb, on whose work the film is based. It’s raucous and funny, and definitely of its time. One can’t help but think that the biggest reason it was so controversial was because it was ahead of its time in trying to create animation that was aimed at adults, not kids

Film Features Film/TV

Short Cuts

Time Warp Drive-In: Dusk To Dawn Spaghetti Western Buffet

Mike McCarthy’s and Black Lodge Video’s Time Warp Drive-In series continues to grow in popularity, with killer slates of genre and exploitation films coming monthly to the Malco Summer Drive-In. This Saturday, the spotlight turns west. The term “spaghetti Western” dates to the 1960s, when European companies, hoping to break into the American market, made cheap Westerns that were like fun-house mirror versions of their source material. Fortunately, the movement empowered Sergio Leone, whose visual poetry and mystical streak created masterpieces such as 1966’s The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, the three-hour epic of greed, betrayal, and gun-play that kicks off the program. This is essential viewing, not only because it helped kick off Clint Eastwood’s career, or for Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach’s equally incredible performances, but also for the master class in how scoring can pull a film’s disparate elements together, put on by Ennio Moriconne. Van Cleef also kills in the Time Warp’s third film, Death Rides a Horse. The middle film is Elvis’ shot at the Western, Charro!, featuring an excellent, non-singing performance by the King.

If you’re attending the Memphis International Rockabilly Festival on Saturday, you can get $2 off your admission to the Time Warp and to the Memphis Roller Derby Double Header.

2015 Outflix Film Festival Announces Lineup

It’s only one month until the 2015 Outflix Film Festival hits the screens at Malco’s Ridgeway Cinema Grill September 11th-17th. This year’s lineup features a more international flavor than in times past, as well as some intriguing documentaries about LBGT life and pop culture.

The opening-night feature is the joint US-Taiwan production Baby Steps, by director Barney Cheng. When a Chinese gay man, who is out in America but closeted in Taiwan, decides to have a baby with his partner, his mother causes havoc by trying to control the process from the other side of the world. Also on opening night is the lesbian battle-of-the bands musical comedy Girltrash: All Night Long.

Highlights from Saturday include the acclaimed Kickstarter-funded Big Gay Love and the South-By-Southwest hit Naz & Maalik, about a pair of Muslim teen boys whose secrecy about their budding love affair runs afoul of FBI anti-terrorism surveillance. The big show on Sunday is looking to be the documentary Wonder Women! The Untold Story of American Superheroines, which has been garnering giddy acclaim on the festival circuit and will have an accompanying audience cosplay contest. Two other documentaries to look for are Tab Hunter Confidential, director Jeffrey Schwartz’s portrait of the closeted 50s movie star hearthrob, and Cheryl Furjanic’s Back On Board: Greg Louganis about the Olympic diving champion’s struggles with injury and prejudice, which will close the festival.

Indie Memphis Partners with the Orpheum

Memphis’ flagship festival is changing this year, moving away from Halloween weekend and expanding into an eight-day run. The festival’s venues are expanding from Overton Square to the Orpheum Theatre’s new Halloran Centre, which is currently nearing completion next to the historic venue at Main and Beale. The brand-new, 350-seat theater will be the site of the opening night films on November 3rd, and will continue to host the festival until it moves to Overton Square for a weekend of films on multiple screens from November 6th-8th, before returning to the Orpheum for the final two nights. “We’ll be downtown during the week, and in Midtown during the weekend,” interim Executive Director Ryan Watt says.

“The Indie Memphis Film Festival is an important part of the Memphis arts culture, and we are excited to welcome several of the festival’s screenings to the new Centre”, Orpheum President and CEO Pat Halloran. says “We’re proud to be a part of this festival as it continues to put our community on the map as a hot spot for budding filmmakers.”

Film Features Film/TV

Time Warp Drive-In: It Came From The Drive-In

The Summer Drive-In was built by Malco Theaters in 1950, on the cusp of the country’s big drive-in theater boom. At the height of their popularity, there were more than 4,000 drive-ins all over the country, comprising more than one quarter of all movies screens. Now, that figure is at 1.5 percent.

But the lost pleasures of the drive-in are not lost on Memphis filmmaker Mike McCarthy and Black Lodge Video proprietor Matt Martin, who, last year, started the monthly Time Warp Drive-In series, which brings classic films, both well-known and obscure, back to the biggest screens.

“We were accepted by a large part of the Memphis community,” says McCarthy. “[Malco Theatres Executive VP] Jimmy Tashie took a chance at, not only saving the drive-in, but plugging a program in that would use the drive-in for what its American function used to be.”

The eight-month series will once again run four-movie programs, once a month, each united by a theme, ranging from the deliciously schlocky to the seriously artsy. Last year’s most popular program was the Stanley Kubrick marathon, which ended as the sun came up. “Who says the drive-in is anti-intellectual?” McCarthy says.

The appeal of the drive-in is both backward- and forward-looking. The atmosphere at the Time Warp Drive-In events is relaxed and social. People are free to sit in their cars and watch the movie or roam around and say hi to their friends. It’s the classic film version of tailgating. “Matt from Black Lodge brought this up: It’s a kind of social experiment, like America is in general. It’s getting back to turntables and vinyl. Maybe it’s not celluloid, but it’s celluloid-like. You didn’t get to see that, because you weren’t born. But you can go back to that. It takes a handful of people who believe to make it happen. And that’s why Malco has been around for 100 years. They’ll take that chance.”

Malco’s Film VP Jeff Kaufman worked hard to find and book the sometimes-obscure films that Martin and McCarthy want to program. “I think we’ve got the material, and we’re trying to get things that people want to see, while kind of playing it a little dangerous around the edges,” McCarthy says. “This Saturday’s totally kid-friendly. We make a conscious attempt to show the kid-friendly stuff first, so people can come out with their kids.”

The series takes its name from the most famous song from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, so the opening program is, appropriately, movies that were mentioned in the show’s opening number, “Science Fiction Double Feature,” that also appeared on Memphis’ legendary horror host Sivad’s long-running Fantastic Features program. “We’re showing what many people believe to be the greatest film of all time, the 1933 version of King Kong,” McCarthy says. “It’s not the worst film of all time, which is the 1976 version of King Kong.

The granddaddy of the horror/sci-fi special effects spectacle films, King Kong has lost none of its power. It’s concise, imaginative, and best experienced with a crowd. The evening’s second film comes from 20 years later. It Came from Outer Space is based on a story by sci-fi legend Ray Bradbury and was prime drive-in fare. It features shape-shifting aliens years before Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 3D imagery from the original golden age of 3D, and a twisted take on the alien invasion formula.

It Came From Outer Space

The third film, When Worlds Collide, was made in 1951, but it doesn’t fit the mold of the sci-fi monster movie. Produced by George Pal, whose credits include the original film takes on War of the Worlds and The Time Machine, the film asks what would happen if scientists discover that Earth was doomed to destruction by a rogue planet, presaging Lars Von Trier’s 2011 Melancholia.

The evening closes with The Invisible Man, starring Claude Rains as the title scientist who throws off social constraints after rendering himself transparent. Directed by Frankenstein auteur James Whale, the film has been recognized as an all-time classic by the Library of Congress’ National Film Registry and will richly reward intrepid viewers who stay at the drive-in all night long.

Film Features Film/TV

Time Warp Drive-In: Tim Burton

Lauren Rae Holtermann

The September installment of the popular Time Warp Drive-In series celebrates American auteur Tim Burton. Like Stanley Kubrick, the subject of a past drive-in tribute, he is a director whose name has become an adjective. “Burton-esque” means a film with a Gothic outlook, elaborate set design, and a misunderstood outsider for a hero.

The program begins at dusk with Burton’s first feature film, Pee-wee’s Big Adventure. Even though it was made in 1985, many consider it to still be Burton’s best work, and it contains most of the elements that would eventually become Burton trademarks. Pee-wee Herman was the creation of Paul Reubens, a Los Angeles comic actor and Groundlings cast member. His somewhat creepy children’s show for grown-ups originated as an experimental theater show that got noticed by HBO and turned into a late-night special. By 1984, it was selling out Madison Square Garden. Reubens and his co-writer Phil Hartman tapped Burton to direct the movie after seeing his legendary short Frankenweenie. Pee-wee’s Big Adventure showcases Burton’s visual inventiveness with the long introductory sequence that takes the audience inside the world that Pee-wee has built for himself. As it always happens with Burton’s characters, the trouble begins when the outsider is forced to deal with the mundane world: In this case, Pee-wee’s prized bike is stolen, and he must embark on a scary trip to grown-up land to retrieve it. There are also hints of Burton’s gothic side, as with the unforgettable Large Marge scene, which is as scary in its own way as any given scene in the slasher films that dominated the horror box office of the mid-1980s.

Michael Keaton as Burton’s Batman

The evening’s second feature is Batman. Looking back from the 21st century, it seems that Burton’s biggest single contribution to popular culture is the superhero comic book movie. When it was released in 1989, more than a decade had passed since Richard Donner’s Superman had dominated the box office without a repeat performance by a cinematic superhero. Befitting the character, Batman is much darker than Donner’s Superman, both visually and thematically. The switch from the campy 1960s take on the Caped Crusader to the attempt at psychologically grounding the character mirrored the cynical turn comics had taken in the 1980s in the wake of Alan Moore’s The Watchmen and Batman: The Killing Joke, and Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. But Burton’s Batman is a long way from the glowering Christian Bale of Christopher Nolan’s trilogy. Michael Keaton plays Bruce Wayne as a guy who has enough self-awareness to understand that this whole setup is ridiculous, and yet he can’t help himself: He has to dress up like a bat and fight crime. Jack Nicholson is terrific as the Joker, and his clown-themed accouterments give Burton a chance to let his cartoonish visual imagination run wild on the screen. Mix in a soundtrack by Prince, and you’ve got a stone-cold Hollywood classic whose influence is still being felt today.

1988’s Beetlejuice is a critical part of Burton’s filmography. The Ghostbusters-influenced supernatural comedy was the first time the director’s Gothic aesthetic was fully unleashed. It was the first time he had worked with Keaton, and it launched the film careers of Winona Ryder and Alec Baldwin. This pre-CGI special-effects fest mixes live action practical effect, stop motion, and every other visual trick Burton had learned from studying classic horror and monster movies. The jokes in Beetlejuice hold up surprisingly well, mostly due to the deadpan commitment on the part of the actors.

The final film of the evening is my personal favorite of all of Burton’s work, Ed Wood. The stylized biopic of the man known as the worst director in the world benefits from a terrific script by screenwriters Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, who would later team up on the Memphis-filmed The People vs. Larry Flynt. It was the second time Burton would team up with Johnny Depp after 1990’s Edward Scissorhands. Depp is terrific as the unflappable, cross-dressing title character, as is the entire cast, which includes Martin Landau (who won a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award for his portrayal of Bela Lugosi), Bill Murray, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Patricia Arquette. Those staying late for the final movie will find that the Time Warp has saved the best for last.

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Time Warp Drive-In: Motorcycle Madness

Tonight’s August edition of the Time Warp Drive In, Summer avenue’s biggest summer event, kicks off with a wedding. Kim Stanford and Coley Smith from Tupelo, Mississippi will say their vows at 7 PM, with Mike McCarthy, the Time Warp Drive-In empresario, presiding.

After the nuptials, the evening of motorcycle movies begins with the genre’s biggest classic, Easy Rider. Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda’s transcontinental epic captured the zeitgeist of its era like few films have before or since. But often lost amidst the Baby Boomer nostalgia is the fact that Easy Rider is a fantastic, and hugely influential, movie. Not only did it make a movie star out of Jack Nicholson, but it also has the first, and still greatest, use of “The Weight” in a film.

Time Warp Drive-In: Motorcycle Madness

The second film of the evening is 1953’s The Wild One starring Marlon Brando. Another hugely influential film, The Wild One was made at a time when Brando was one of the hottest properties in Hollywood. The same year he was playing the sensitive juvenile delinquent Johnny Strabler opposite Lee Marvin, he also played Marc Antony in Julius Caesar opposite James Mason and Sir John Gielgud. The film is the iconic template for the motorcycle movie, and nobody ever wore a Perfecto leather jacket better than Brando.

Time Warp Drive-In: Motorcycle Madness (2)

Made three years before Easy Rider, The Wild Angels was Peter Fonda’s first foray into motorcycle movies. Directed by Roger Corman, the film’s high point is a confrontation between biker gang leader Fonda and a judge, which has become one of the most sampled moments in movie history.

Time Warp Drive-In: Motorcycle Madness (3)

The evening closes out with the psychotronic exploitation drive in classic She Devils On Wheels:

Time Warp Drive-In: Motorcycle Madness (4)

Sing All Kinds We Recommend

Time Warp Drive-In Pays Tribute To Elvis

In a special edition of the Time Warp Drive-In, Memphis auteur Mike McCarthy and Black Lodge Video’s Matthew Martin celebrate Elvis Presely’s film career on the 37th anniversary of his death.

The program kicks off with Jailhouse Rock, Elvis’ third and greatest film appearance. By the time it premiered in 1957, Elvis had already changed popular music forever and cemented his place as the biggest music star in the world. But to Elvis, true immortality meant film. He idolized Marlon Brando, and his performance in Jailhouse Rock owes much to Brando’s sensitive biker warlord in The Wild One. The plot is a paper thin extrapolation of Elvis’ bad boy public image, but it hardly matters. Elvis is at the height of his musical power and raw sexual charisma. The film’s centerpiece is a Busby Berkley style musical number of the title song, but even its antiquated and stylized setting doesn’t take the edge off the song or Elvis’ performance. The sequence has been copied dozens of times and remains an ideal towards which all subsequent music videos aspire to.

Time Warp Drive-In Pays Tribute To Elvis

After a “headlight vigil” is Viva Las Vegas. As Elvis’ film career went on, the quality of his films slowly declined, as he pumped out quick, but profitable, product throughout the 60s. But 1964’s Viva Las Vegas is the exception, primarily for one reason: Ann Margaret. Many of Elvis’ endless parade of love interests were one-note bimbos (Mary Tyler Moore excepted), but Ann Margaret was an exceptionally talented dancer and, if not exactly a great actress, a natural movie star with a personality as big as her halo of fiery red hair. She and Elvis had a torrid affair during and after the shooting of the film, and it shows on the screen big time. Acting or no, it’s clear that these two beautiful people can barely keep their hands off of each other. Add in a classic title song better than most of Elvis’ 60s output and it equaled the biggest grossing film of Elvis’ career.

Next is King Creole. Directed by the legendary Michael Curtiz, whose filmography includes Casablanca. Said to be Elvis’ favorite role, his turn as Danny Fisher, New Orleans street urchin turned caberet singer is certainly his best film performance, rivaling James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause.

Time Warp Drive-In Pays Tribute To Elvis (2)

The evening ends with The King’s 1972 swan song, Elvis On Tour. The concert documentary features performances filmed over four nights in 1972 interspersed with backstage footage and an interview. This is Elvis in full Las Vegas jumpsuit trim. His voice is strong, and his stage presence unmatched among mere humans, but it’s clear that he doesn’t have the same intensity as the man who was swinging from a pole in Jailhouse Rock. But after the extraordinary life he led, you’d be a little blasé about playing coliseums as well. 

The Time Warp Drive In begins at dusk on Saturday, August 16 at the Malco Summer 4 Drive-In. 

Film Features Film/TV

Time-Warp Drive Returns with the Films of Stanley Kubrick

The July edition of the Time Warp Drive-In is devoted to a director whose work is more often associated with the art house than the drive-in. On the occasion of what would have been Stanley Kubrick’s 86th birthday, Malco’s Summer Drive-In will host an all-night marathon of the director’s work. Memphis filmmaker Mike McCarthy, who, along with Black Lodge Video’s Matthew Martin, programs the monthly events, says that Kubrick’s influence stretched far beyond film.

“Kubrick created worlds,” McCarthy says. “A hippie, like David Bowie, could enter the theater, inhabit the world of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and exit as something else.” The character of David Bowman, the astronaut who ends 2001: A Space Odyssey “lost in space,” inspired Bowie’s first hit, “Space Oddity.” Kubrick’s next film, 1971’s A Clockwork Orange, would similarly inspire the look of Glam rock and the attitude of punk rock.

The evening of films will begin with what is probably Kubrick’s most popular work, 1980’s The Shining, a masterful adaptation of Stephen King’s novel. With Kubrick, who started out as a photographer for Look magazine in 1946, the richness of his images conveys the richness of his ideas. A common criticism of Kubrick’s style is that the performances are flat or cold. But that is a misreading of what the director was trying to do, for it is not the actors who are emoting, but the man behind the camera. The Shining, while filled with luscious images, is an exception. In Jack Nicholson, Kubrick met his artistic match, much as he had 20 years earlier when he did Paths Of Glory and Spartacus with Kirk Douglas.

A Clockwork Orange

The evening continues with another literary adaptation, A Clockwork Orange. Anthony Burgess spoke more favorably of the film than King does of The Shining, but Kubrick made both texts jumping off points for his meticulous, arresting imagery. The near-future dystopia is dominated by Malcolm McDowell as Alex, a middle-class street thug obsessed with classical music whose path to redemption is almost as ethically queasy as his ritualistic ultraviolence.

Even though A Clockwork Orange was initially rated X for violence, its body count pales next to Kubrick’s masterpiece Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. In 1961, Kubrick set out to make a serious movie about the dangers of nuclear war. But the more he read about the Cold War doctrine of “Mutually Assured Destruction,” the more absurd it seemed. So Kubrick made the radical decision to turn his film into a comedy by bringing onboard writer Terry Southern and comedic super-genius Peter Sellers. Even taken apart from its Cold War context, Dr. Strangelove is a clear triumph and still one of the most important comedies ever made. That the civilization-ending mass killing is, in retrospect, somehow more acceptable than Alex’s mundane street thuggery is just part of the joke.

The last film on the drive-in program is Kubrick’s biggest and most intimidating masterpiece. 2001: A Space Odyssey is not only the greatest science fiction movie ever made, it placed second behind only Ozu’s Tokyo Story in the 2012 Sight & Sound Directors’ poll of the greatest films ever. Every shot is a meticulous work of art in its own right, and taken together, they offer too much to comprehend in one sitting. But the pleasure of returning to unravel works of genius is part of what gives Kubrick’s films their enduring power.

Film Features Film/TV

Time Warp Drive-In’s Hell on Wheels

Automotive and film technology came of age at roughly the same time, and cars have always been a particular source of fascination for filmmakers. When the first drive-in movie theater opened in New Jersey in 1933, it was the beginning of a potent and inevitable synergy between two of America’s favorite cultural forces. Movies sold the dream of freedom, and cars became the most prominent and expensive symbols of that freedom. People would pay to sit in their cars and watch movies about cars.

The theme of the next edition of the popular Time Warp Drive-In series (running the last Saturday of each month through October) is Hell On Wheels, which gave the organizers, filmmaker Mike McCarthy and Black Lodge Video proprietor Matthew Martin, plenty of choices for programming.

The night will kick off with George Lucas’ American Graffiti. The film was Lucas’ first big hit, made after the studio-destroying dystopian sci-fi film THX 1138 had all but ended his career. Few films can claim the deep cultural impact of Lucas’ Star Wars, but American Graffiti comes close. Its meandering, multi-character story structure bears a resemblance to Robert Altman or Richard Linklater’s work but is utterly unlike the Hero’s Journey plots that would come to be associated with Lucas’ later work. Still, Lucas’ techno-fetishism is on full display with the loving beauty shots of classic autos designed in the days before wind tunnels and ubiquitous seat belts.

Even though the film was set in 1962, the chronicle of aimless youth cruising around a sleepy California town kicked off a wave of nostalgia for all things 1950s. The pre-British Invasion rock-and-roll and doo-wop soundtrack became one of the best selling film soundtracks in history, and Ron Howard — who, as Opie on The Andy Griffith Show, was himself a bit of TV nostalgia — and Cindy Williams would ride the popularity of American Graffiti into starring roles on Happy Days and its spinoff, Laverene & Shirley. It also marked the big break of a struggling actor and part-time carpenter named Harrison Ford.

The second Hell on Wheels film, Two-Lane Blacktop, is a classic hot rod movie from 1971 starring James Taylor (yes, that James Taylor) and Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson. If American Graffiti manifested America’s longing for a simpler time before the social upheaval of the 1960s, Two-Lane Blacktop was one of the counterculture’s dying gasps. It’s an Easy Rider-like plot with muscle cars: Two nameless street racers heading east from California challenge a square (Warren Oates) to a cross-country race to Washington, D.C. The dialog is sparse and the performances fairly flat, but the real point of Two-Lane Blacktop is the wide-open vistas of a now-vanished America.

The third film of the night, 1968’s Bullitt, is similarly light on dialog, but it is the opposite of counterculture. Steve McQueen at his sexiest plays a homicide cop trying to solve the murder of a mob informant. McQueen’s Frank Bullitt is the prototype of the “playing by his own rules” cop that would become so familiar in later films, but the movie’s real significance lies in the epic car chase that sees McQueen driving an iconic 1968 fastback Mustang through the streets of San Francisco set to Lalo Schifrin’s swinging jazz score. The oft-imitated but never equaled scene is worth the price of admission for the entire evening.

The program closes with Robert Mitchum playing a Tennessee bootlegger in1953’s legendary Thunder Road. Mitchum co-wrote the screenplay and produced the movie, which tells the story of a Korean War vet’s turbulent return to the violent world of moonshiners and flophouses. The noir-inflected film served as the template for dozens of hot rod exploitation stories, taught greasers to emulate Mitchum’s laconic cool, and even inspired Bruce Springsteen to write a song about it. It’s a fitting capper to a night of burning rubber and tail fins.

Film Features Film/TV

The Release of Cigarette Girl

This weekend sees the climax of May’s Mike McCarthy love-in. Friday night, May 23rd, Black Lodge Video hosts the DVD release party for Cigarette Girl, McCarthy’s latest feature, first released in 2009 and remastered and handsomely packaged by Music+Arts Studio. The DVD includes a director’s commentary from McCarthy, loads of special features, and a CD of Jonathan Kirkscey’s brilliant score. The party starts at 9:30 p.m., and it will include live music from Mouserocket and Hanna Star (McCarthy’s daughter).

Saturday night is the main event, with a marathon of McCarthy’s films showcased just where they ought to be: at a drive-in. Time Warp Drive-In celebrates 20 years of Guerrilla Monster films with a screening of Cigarette Girl, Teenage Tupelo, The Sore Losers, Superstarlet A.D., Elvis Meets the Beatles, Midnight Movie, and more. Among the “more”: live music from the Subtractions and popcorn baptisms (!).

Time Warp Drive-In is the work of McCarthy, Malco’s Jimmy Tashie, and Black Lodge’s Matthew Martin. They launched Time Warp Drive-In last Halloween season with a “Shocktober” screening of horror classics such as A Nightmare on Elm Street and Evil Dead 2.

“Let’s have fun,” McCarthy says of the concept. “I talk about the past a lot, but I’m actively living in the present and looking forward to the future. But I want the past to travel with me.”

In April, Time Warp Drive-In settled into a regular format, screening the last Saturday of each month. April was tagged Soulful Cinema, with Hustle & Flow, Purple Rain, Superfly, and Coffy; June has road classics like Two Lane Blacktop and Bullitt; July celebrates Stanley Kubrick’s birthday; August memorializes death week with a selection of Elvis films; August also revs up for bike films such as The Wild One and Girl on a Motorcycle; September honors Tim Burton; and October brings Shocktober back with more horror.

“I can’t say enough nice things about Jimmy Tashie at Malco,” McCarthy says. “He is this presence who understands the 20th century and what the drive-in was originally there for.”

McCarthy’s films will look great projected in the Memphis night air. 

Cigarette Girl DVD Release Party

Friday, May 23rd, 9:30 p.m.

Black Lodge Video

Time Warp Drive-In Presents the Underground Cinema of Mike McCarthy

Saturday, May 24th, dusk

$10 per person

Malco’s Summer Drive-In

Cover Feature News

Cult King Mike McCarthy Celebrates 20 Years of Underground Movie-making

Midnight Movie

April 2014, Clarksdale, Mississippi — Filmmaker Mike McCarthy stands inside an old movie theater, shooting a scene he describes as “the death of cinema.” He has found a good location for it: The interior space is accented with moldering ceiling tiles, burlap walls, painted concrete, and frayed carpet runners. A crewmember, Jon Meyers, cranks up a fog machine. McCarthy and the rest of the crew — Jesse Davis, Kent Hamson, Kasey Dees, and Nathan Duff — are preparing a scene built around a casket near the screen at the bottom of the theater well. Inside the casket, the corpse — actor Anthony Gray — is wearing a hat. Looking on from above him are the scene’s mourners, actors Zach Paulsen, Kenneth Farmer, and Brandon Sams.

From 9 a.m. until midnight on a Saturday, the cast and crew have to capture everything they need for Midnight Movie, a lengthy trailer for a script McCarthy has written. Ideally, someone will see the finished trailer and help finance the making of the actual feature.

Dan Ball

Mike McCarthy

But all that is later. Right now, the production has to shoot about 15 scenes at four locations in one day. On the shoot, McCarthy is lively, funny, confident, and efficient. He improvises, but everything is well set up and prepared for, and he trusts the opinions of his crew. He knows what’s in his mind and knows what he sees; he only needs to know what’s in the camera lens.

“Guys, crank up the grieving,” he directs the actors. Paulsen plays Brandy/Randy, whom the script describes as “a small-town cross-dresser with big dreams … a ‘Frankenfurter’ inside a Tennessee Williams bun.” Paulsen is wearing the same coat that D’Lana Tunnell wore in McCarthy’s seminal 1995 film, Teenage Tupelo. Farmer plays Charlie, an homage to Jimmy Cliff in The Harder They Come. Sams is Eraserhead, with an appropriate hairstyle. A scene filming later in the night will feature Alex and Henry Greene as Jodorowsky’s El Topo and son.

“Make it be like the Cecil B. DeMille of this kind of thing,” McCarthy says. After a clock check, McCarthy puts his producer hat on and says, “We’re doing all right on time, but barely. Which is the way it always is.”

After the scene, the crew helps Gray (who plays murdered theater owner Ray Black) out of the personal-sized tomb. It’s an expensive-looking prop. McCarthy names a funeral home in Memphis he has worked with before. He’s a filmmaker who needs coffins sometimes.

Cult of personality

Robin Tucker

Mike McCarthy (center) directs a scene from Cigarette Girl with cinematographer Wheat Buckley (left) and star Cori Dials (right)

May 2014, Memphis — It looks as if Mike McCarthy’s brain has exploded all over the walls and ceiling of the attic of his Cooper-Young home, as if his mortal cranium can’t contain all of the immortal pop culture that resides within it. Every flat space of wall and ceiling angles features the images of Elvis Presley, David Bowie, Bettie Page, Frankenstein’s monster, Brigitte Bardot, Godzilla — and a score more — and is stuffed with the artistic output of Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Michael Moorcock, Camille Paglia, David F. Friedman, Marvel Comics, Famous Monsters, the Replacements, and, crucially, items related to McCarthy’s own work. Here, in the inner sanctum, he keeps scripts, props, art, comic books, a drum set, and the first magazine he was published in, and on and on.

“My psychosexual stuff is over there in that corner,” he says, pointing in the attic, though he could just as well be talking about a patch of real estate in his mind.

McCarthy has consumed, internalized, and analyzed American pop culture in the 20th century. What he has produced in turn is a filmography — including the features Damselvis, Daughter of Helvis (1994), Teenage Tupelo (1995), The Sore Losers (1997), Superstarlet A.D. (2000), and Cigarette Girl (2009) and the short films Elvis Meets the Beatles (2000) and Goddamn Godard (2012) — that interprets that pop cultural cosmos into a visionary underground art. Many filmmakers, Memphis obsessives from around the world, and other non-mainstream consumers revere him.

Among those influenced by him are the filmmakers Craig Brewer and Chris McCoy.

“I feel like I took a college course from Mike McCarthy,” Brewer says. “Since the time I started making films in Memphis, he has always served as my hero in everything in life. He’s passionate about making movies, and he is passionate about the region he lives in, and the history, and how to honor and preserve that history. I ran from home and the ideas that came from [my] surroundings, where Mike was embracing it and perhaps even exorcising demons through his work.”

Brewer helped edit Superstarlet A.D. so that he could learn how to edit his own film, The Poor & Hungry, and Brewer produced, shot, and edited Elvis Meets the Beatles, which he calls “one of the best experiences of my life.”

McCoy says, “In the early ’90s, I was involved with a group who were inspired by Robert Rodriguez and Steven Soderbergh to make an independent film. I co-wrote the script and we had about $20,000 pledged to the project. But this was before the days of digital, and just the film cost alone would have eaten up the entire budget, so we abandoned the project as undoable. And then, Mike McCarthy came along and proved that it could be done.”

Memphian Rick O’Brien has assisted McCarthy over the years with technical and production support. O’Brien says, “Step into the world of Mike McCarthy and you’ll experience a wild mash-up of 50 years of fringe-pop culture. Mike could be the bastard love child of Russ Meyer, John Waters, and Tempest Storm. Or maybe Elvis … only his mother knows.”

May is McCarthy month in Memphis (alliteration not intended.) Cigarette Girl is being released by Music+Arts, and McCarthy is screening many of his films at the May edition of the monthly Time Warp Drive-In at Malco’s Summer Avenue venue. His films are steeped in the traditions of exploitation cinema, including nudity and violence and rock-and-roll.

David Thompson

On the set of “Teenage Tupelo”

Watching them, you might think, where in the world did all this come from?

The man who fell to Memphis

1963-1993, Mississippi & Memphis — “Unless you can fixate on something, you don’t learn the true value of it,” McCarthy says. His own biography is something McCarthy is fixated on. Certain geniuses, such as James Ellroy or Alison Bechdel, possess a profound intellectual introspection. McCarthy fits in this category comfortably.

He was born in 1963. The way McCarthy’s mind sees things, there’s a numerology that glows in the structure of the universe. It’s personal and universal, and it can be observed if you sit still long enough. “I was born six months before JFK was assassinated, which was nine months before the Beatles got here,” McCarthy says. “So, 1963 was the last pure year of American pop culture and its influence around the world. The following year, the Beatles would arrive, and the European influence would follow, ironically based on Memphis music. I was conceived in the Lee County Drive-In in Tupelo, and I lived 14 years in the golden age of pop culture, before Elvis died.”

Much of McCarthy’s biography has been recounted in stories over the years, but, since the telling of it has evolved, it doesn’t hurt to set the record straight about exactly what happened and when. He was raised by John and Mildred McCarthy outside of Tupelo. His mother had been a Georgia Tann baby, one of the children who came out of the woman’s infamous Memphis black market adoption agency. His parents attended the famous 1956 Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show, where Elvis performed. They can be seen at the top of the bleachers in Roger Marshutz’s famous photo of the concert.

McCarthy grew up at the end of a gravel road, raised on comic books, monster magazines, and other pop that managed to trickle down to him. “On a good night we might pick up Sivad,” he says, referring to Memphis’ monster movie TV host. McCarthy consumed the culture he “could pick up in an analog way, or what was in the grocery store in a spinner rack. Music, I knew nothing about, because corporations had already settled in on it. I didn’t know at the time that rockabilly had been created in my backyard.”

When he was 20, McCarthy learned on his own a staggering truth the consequences of which continue to reverberate: He was adopted. “There’s a certain amount of tragedy, but it’s kind of a cool tragedy, because I decided I would mythologize my gravel road. Instead of street cred, I’ve got gravel road cred.”

Charle Berlin

McCarthy meets cult filmmaker David F. Friedman

More bombshells: He was the second of four children his biological mother had. To this day, McCarthy doesn’t know who his biological father is. (His brothers do know who their dads are: “Another angst-ridden detail,” he says, laughing.) He did learn, however, that his biological mother also attended the Fair and Dairy Show, and, moreover, she also could be seen in the Marshutz photo — just a few feet away from the King’s outstretched hand.

When he was 21, McCarthy moved to Memphis. “The point where I should have looked into my past, I moved to Memphis and turned it into art,” he says. “It took me 10 years to focus my anger into an Elvis-oriented art plan.”

Eric Page


He came to grad school at Memphis College of Art but dropped out and spent a few years playing in punk bands like Distemper and Rockroaches. He lived with his parents again to work on comic books, including material that would be produced by the renowned alternative publisher Fantagraphics.

He discovered the cult film subgenre. It changed everything. “I realized cult cinema was achievable on my own,” he says.

If those are the facts, the why of it all is left to McCarthy’s interpretation, both artistic and anecdotal, and is the basis for the mythology he has created in the film Teenage Tupelo and developed further over the years. He imagined that Elvis was his biological father: “All these things led to my breaking away from Mississippi, so that I could look back and mythologize with whatever details slowly came down to me from my adopted parents or my newfound brother at the time. So I reimagined the conversation my grandmother had with my mother when she was about to give birth to me. ‘You’ve already had one kid with this guy who left you, you’re certainly not going to keep this second kid.’ So I made my grandmother into a villain — who Wanda Wilson plays in Teenage Tupelo.”

Ground Zero

20th century, America — “Elvis is 21 at the Tupelo Fair and Dairy Show in 1956, halfway through the arc of his life,” McCarthy says. “That day he sings to both my mothers — and thousands of field hands and factory workers. He reaches the ascent of everything he will be. He conquers pop culture by 21, and then he just enjoys the downward slope. Sure, there are moments of greatness, but his life as art belongs on that day between Tupelo and his home on Audubon Drive in Memphis. So what does Tupelo do? They tear down the old Fairgrounds.”

Ground zero for American pop culture is the purity and naiveté of rock-and-roll at its inception, when the middle class consumed and supported uncorrupted artists. The era ended when rock-and-roll, a singularly racially integrated art form, became commodified by commercial interests and became the product called “rock.” American pop culture died to an extent when Elvis did. Punk was the last pure expression of rock-and-roll.

However, that isn’t to say that rock-and-roll is dead and buried, McCarthy argues, because the pure creations from decades ago are still relevant. Worshipping at the feet of this cultural deity is still a worthwhile endeavor — and don’t confuse it with nostalgia and sentimentality, he says, which “don’t apply to things that are still relevant.”

He sees the relevance of rock-and-roll, still lingering in the arifices of the past, and he fights to protect it. “Memphis should be a time capsule for that world, where blues music and country music combined to become rock-and-roll,” McCarthy says. “We don’t need to recreate it: It already happened. We can base an entire world on that model, if we would just stop tearing that world down.”

Creating a Monster

1994-2014, Memphis — As scarring as his biological drama was, McCarthy received considerable support and love from his adopted parents. One important attribute McCarthy would learn from his Greatest Generation parents was “a Depression-era ethic, so that I could deal with poverty when I came face to face with it later, when I decided to be an artist.” He would call upon that lesson time and again. His films were low budget; he didn’t make money off of them; and he struggled to make ends meet. Much of that was by design as part of an artistic austerity. “Being a filmmaker in America is the most narcissistic, self-centered thing you could be. It even approaches evil,” he says with a laugh.

“I always wondered why the circus is a metaphor for craziness,” McCarthy says. “If that were really true about the circus being ‘crazy,’ we would never take the kids because it would be too insane. In reality, the circus contains a big ol’ safety net. So the craziness is simulated, sort of like a film festival or video game. What happens when you remove the safety net? That’s the real circus. When you have no safety net, no guaranteed salary, no trust fund, no nonprofit — that’s the last 20 years of Guerrilla Monster.” Guerrilla Monster’s three rules were: Don’t ask permission; shoot until they make you stop; and deny everything.

Don’t call McCarthy’s films “indie.” He’s careful to draw a distinction between indie film and underground film: “The indie scene is basically mainstream filmmaking without money,” he says.

“I’ve been compared to Truffaut, Fellini, and Orson Welles, all by asking women to take their clothes off in the middle of the night in Mississippi with a camera.”

It’s now or never

Past, present, and future — Much of what occupies McCarthy’s brain is what is now gone. “I miss Memphis Comics. I miss Pat’s Pizza. I miss Ellis Auditorium. I already miss the Mid-South Coliseum. I identify with it. I miss me.”

McCarthy takes the time to note that he and the Coliseum were born in the same year, and suggests we drive over to appraise its current state of neglect. McCarthy was a founding member of Save Libertyland, active in preserving the WHBQ booth at the Chisca, worked at Sun Studio for a time, served as a tour guide in Memphis, and is a strong advocate for preservation. “These things will be important to smart people 100 years from now,” he says. “And they’ll blame us as a generation that created a serious criminal offense against the 20th century, the American century, by tearing down the rock-and-roll structures that were in place in Memphis at the time when all of this music was created, when all of this goodwill was created.”

Preservation probably isn’t exactly the right English word for it. McCarthy’s advocacy isn’t about stasis but about vitality. “The further you get away from the pulse of something, the closer you get to the death of it,” he says. “This bleeds into my dislike of historic markers, because we keep those people in business.” For a few years, he has been developing a documentary about it, Destroy Memphis (tagline: “See it while you can”).

“I wasn’t born in the ’50s, where I could take advantage of the thriving middle class that spit out rock-and-roll, great movies, and great comic books — so great they were outlawed by the government. I worship those things. Those things are greater than any dogmatic religious principles.”

His thoughts on the subject are similar to those about Guerrilla Monster, which, he announces, may have reached its end. The fact is, he can’t afford to keep his cinematic pursuit going without financial backing. He has a family to support. “Underground films are fascinating to watch because you see struggle. I’ve been through 20 years of good old-fashioned punk rock struggle. Deliver me from struggle.

“In the ’90s,” he continues, “I used to say the voice of a dead twin told me what to do. Now I’m not sure. Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost my way. I feel like I’m in the prime of my filmmaking life, but I can no longer make films ‘on the cheap’ where I keep asking people to do things for me for free. Guerrilla Monster has served its purpose. ‘Twas reality that killed the beast.”

If he has to, he will focus on comic books, which carry much less budgetary overhead. “I probably have another 20 years before my hand starts to shake. You’ve only got so much time to create.”

What he really wants to do, though, is to get his films financed. He has a script, Kid Anarchy, based on a comic book he created in the 1980s with his friend George Cole. McCarthy, Cole, and Memphis filmmaker G.B. Shannon have written the script. It’s much more accessible than his past films. He thinks it could be his shot.

“I always thought Mike would be fantastic working with a solid producer and a solid script,” Brewer says. “He’s very professional and he’s really prepared.”

“If I got a million bucks to make Kid Anarchy, it wouldn’t be a Guerrilla Monster movie, it would be an indie movie with punk rock principles, closer to Richard Linklater or Mary Harron,” McCarthy says. “It’s about a 15-year-old boy in 1984 who gets kicked out of Memphis for being a juvenile delinquent. So, he goes to live with his religious aunt and uncle in northeast Mississippi, like a true fish out of water. He has to attend a new school, to pray before dinner, and he can’t listen to the Dead Kennedys anymore. It’s akin to Breaking Away, or every S.E. Hinton novel; it’s a ‘let’s discover the next Matt Dillon’ movie. It’s all that. But I can’t make it for nothing.”

In other words, it’s the McCarthy story told in reverse. Is the happy ending at the beginning or at the end of the story?

Producer John Crye, former creative director for Newmarket Films (where he oversaw the acquisition, development, and distribution of Memento, The PrestigeWhale Rider, Monster, Donnie Darko, and The Passion of the Christ), is helping McCarthy package the film in terms of investment and talent. “In this economy, the safest investments in film are with those filmmakers who can produce a $1 million film that looks like a $10 million film,” Crye says. “McCarthy proved with Cigarette Girl that he can make tens of thousands of dollars look like hundreds of thousands. The time is right for him to come out of the underground, work with a better budget, and start creating more commercially viable movies. Kid Anarchy is that. It is to Cigarette Girl what Richard Linklater’s Dazed and Confused was to Slacker.”

“The blues wouldn’t have been created without oppression,” McCarthy says. “Jesus wouldn’t be worshipped without crucifixion. But without any of that you don’t get resurrection. I want resurrection, I want to make money.

“I want to make Kid Anarchy. So crucify me.”

The Mike McCarthy/Guerrilla

Monster Films calendar of events:

* May 16: Mike McCarthy on WKNO’s “Checking on the Arts” with Kacky Walton

* May 17 : Malco’s Studio on the Square screens Cigarette Girl at 10 p.m.

* May 20: Cigarette Girl out on DVD,

* May 23 : Release party at Black Lodge, 9:30 p.m. With appearances by

Cigarette Girl stars Cori Dials and Ivy McLemore and live music from

Hanna Star and Mouserocket

* May 24 : Summer Drive-In screens Guerrilla Monster Films, featuring

Elvis Meets the Beatles, Cigarette Girl, Teenage Tupelo, The Sore Losers,

Superstarlet A.D., and Midnight Movie

For more about Mike McCarthy, including streaming videos of his films, essays, and the script for Kid Anarchy, go to